Yesterday, John played Mr. Mom and I spent 14 hours with the mission team. I was la jefe (the boss) for the day) while we did door to door invitations, a small VBS for about 20 kids and a small Church service for about 15 adults. I think I did a decent job. We had a great day and it was good to switch roles for a change. That is the first time we have ever done that. I REALLY needed it!
Did I mention my language evaluation is in 3 hours? UGH!
We are celebrating the 4th of July TODAY with a bunch of Americans. I would be looking forward to it if I didn't have to have this eval. first. :) I hope we have a ton of fun celebrating America's independence in Peru. That seems kind of strange.
Anyway, off to take a shower, have a quiet time, drink some coffee and prep for this evaluation. I hope my tongue is NOT tangled today.
Praying for you!!!
You will be amazing.....because all of us have been praying:)
What a great idea to switch roles for the was probably great for your language too:)
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