Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hormones and Mission Team

All I can say is PLEASE pray for my hormones. I know they are a necessary evil in growing a baby, but come on now! They are all over the place! One day I am super happy, the next I am crying, the next I am anxious, the next I can hardly drag myself out of bed. This is as bad as the first trimester - without the vomitting, of course! :) Although I did get sick out of the blue one day this week. I am fine, just a hormonal mess. Yes, I know it's normal, but that doesn't mean I have to like it! Other than that, the contractions have stopped. YEAH! My iron is still really low and I think that is why my energy and motivation level are WAY down. And that probably makes me feel disappointed in myself because I'm usually so active, organized and a go-getter; not these days! I keep hoping every day I will wake up with this new found energy. It's just not happening. Oh well! I AM enjoying eating and being with my kids instead of running around crazy with mission teams.

Avery and I played tea-party today in Spanish and it was so much fun. She kept serving me Coffee with milk and fish! YUK! I would throw the fake can of fish across the room (playing, of course) and she thought that was the funniest thing ever. I would exclaim, "No me gusta pescado con cafe!" It was really cute.

Well, our 2nd to last mission team leaves tomorrow night. They are such a wonderful group (don't I say that about ALL of them?). NO really, these are my favorite. I have loved the time I have been able to spend with them (a few meals and half a day with a sick team member). Sunday starts the VERY last team. Praise God! John will work with them and after that we will MOVE. YEAH!! Still waiting on a move in date.

The team has seen a lot of people come to the Lord this past week. It has been a very successful trip as far as helping people with medical and spiritual needs. I'm wondering which of my kids will cry this week as they leave. My kids connect and bond really fast. I think that is part of living this kind of life. :)

1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

The statement about you saying the same thing about the mission teams reminds me at FPO, my walking partner, Amy Fisher, would tease me because each time someone would walk by us I would say, "Oh, they are a really nice family" She finally said, "okay, they are ALL nice families...we are missionaries!" lol

I will be praying for your children, so many different people running in and out of their little lives...I know this is difficult for Lottie also. And I will be praying for your hormones too;)

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