Friday, August 14, 2009

Lots of happenings

Today was a big day! We went to the new house with the painter and measured and picked out ALL of the new colors and purchased the paint. I CANNOT wait to show you all of the rich colors I picked out for the house. I was able to go with some darker colors (not for the kids room though) since the house is on the bigger side and has a lot of windows to bring in natural light. So here are the things that start on Monday:
Remodeling of 2 bathrooms
Curtains cleaned (downstairs)
Cable, telephone and internet hooked up (supposedly)
New patio furniture delivered
John buying all of the plumbing for the bathrooms
Guy comes to measure for curtains (upstairs)

Even though we have workers, we still have to buy EVERY last thing for them. It is probably better this way because then it guarantees we don't overpay AND we get what we would like.

I am so excited I can't see straight. The house is just so big and we won't be stepping on each other. I can't express enough how much this is a blessing from God. We are taking before and after pictures so you can see the completed job.

Today I had my 33 week appointment OBGYN appt..I went two weeks ago and he asked me to come back today. This is not the "homebirth" doctor. He wants to see me again in two weeks and then he goes on vacation until October 1st. Good thing he won't be the one delivering, right? He asked if I was still having the baby at home and I said yes, but that I was also planning on seeing him until the baby is born. He is just a first-class doctor and I know that if there is ANY red flag whatsoever he will catch it and ensure the baby is safe. He doesn't approve of the homebirth, but he does agree that he will treat me before and after the birth. He hooked me up with some much better vitamins and iron supplements to help my ever decreasing iron. I have full blown anemia at this point, which explains why I am so tired and sleepy. I am hoping these work better than the generic stuff I am taking from the states. He doesn't think the baby is "super" big although the ultrasound says it is. I told him he will be surprised when it is born. No one thought Jaxson was going to be almost 10 lbs. (except me) and he was. The baby measure 32 weeks today and I am 33 tomorrow. I am going to continue to see the midwife simply because it is a means to an end. Someone has to catch the baby and John and I feel like she is qualified. I really wish the other doctor could do it, but it just can't be. We feel good about having 2 doctors here in Peru, one homeopathic and one more agressive from the states. The Dr. from the states told me today that maybe he needs to become more indigenous in his thinking and that he has been greatly effected by the American mind-set of hospital births. Isn't that funny? I am from America and I have more of an indigenous mind-set and he is orginallly from here (but lived in the U.S. for 25 years) and has more of an American mentality than I do. Funny how that works.
I didn't try to convince him while I prefer homebirth because he can't convince me that his way is better for me anymore than I can convince him that my way is better for me. :)

Can't wait until next FRIDAY - MOVE IN DAY!!

1 comment:

cathimommy said...

wish I could catch him/her(or just be there to let John catch him/her!)


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