Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Good Eats

There are lots of foods to choose from in this lovely country. But the most readily available, at least in our house are....ANTS! Here are a few of our favorite dishes:

Peanut butter and ant sandwiches.

Granola bars sauteed in ants.

Pineapple and ant salad.

Coffee and creme and ants.

And our favorite, Bananas a la ants.

You can't say we aren't getting our protein! At first we tried to rid ourselves of these pesky critters, but now we just enjoy them - in every last bite.
Besides, food is expensive here and we like variety.

As our grandma always taught us....If you can't beat em....eat em....ugh, I mean join em.

1 comment:

Mountain Momma said...

I would rather be eating Ants than lady bugs! You go girl...eat a few for me...

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