Thursday, November 8, 2007

Pneumonia and Falling


Parker is feeling better, but his pneumonia hasn't improved. He is having bronchial spasms and is now on 5 different meds - including a nebulizer 3x a day. As you can imagine, he is pretty jacked up from all the necessary medications. He has to continue to see the doctor every few days until he improves. He is allowed to go to school for half days, but then has to come home to rest so that his body can heal.

Last night I took a pretty bad fall at school. I had the baby in my arms and we tumbled hard on the wet, slippery tile. Avery was actually in the "ergo" attached to my front side. I managed to protect her with my arms and she was safe and sound as we crash landed. It could've been really bad because it was a nasty fall. Anyway, my bad knee cushioned the fall. Of every place I could've landed on my body, I landed right on the knee I have had 2 surgeries on in the past year.

There are several amazing things about this situation: The first being that I was wearing a knee brace that I haven't worn in over 4 months and it actually cushioned some of the impact. The second is that Avery was totally unharmed. And the third being that the fall was exactly on my incision and was extremely painful and swollen initially. We were all very concerned and many, many people (thank you John and Jenny) were praying for me. But today I woke up and my leg felt the best it has in several weeks. I know this is absolutely 100% God. I praise Him for His faithfulness and protection. And I am thankful to the many who prayed for me.

What a Day!!!


Kerri said...

Hi Jessica & John,

Thanks for sharing what you share in your blog. We haven't met yet, and will most likely be in different parts of the world. But we are certainly blessed to have this window into what God is doing where you are now.

Oh, and thanks for the slideshow as well.!

Praying for Parker,
Kerri Hamilton

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Ouch! Glad you're all okay after the fall!

Poor Parker! Let me guess: liquid steroid, albuterol or xoponex oral or in nebulizer, pulmicort in nebulizer, antibiotic like omnicef maybe, and I don't know what the other might be. I've been there so many times I could write my own prescriptions! Lexi has terrible asthma so she gets bronchitus and pneumonia often. Actually she did in Dallas, not so much in FL. The climate has made all the difference in the world. Hers was always set off by cold air which we don't have so much of in FL...PRAISE GOD!

Praying for a speedy recovery. The steroids and albuterol makes them extremely emotional, aggressive, and hyper! Fun times!

Justgottalaugh said...

"yeah" for the knee... :( sad face for parker. please hug him for me and let him know i'm praying for him. hug yourself from me while you're at it. miss you...

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