Friday, November 23, 2007

Prayer Request

We are needing prayer! I (Jessica) have probably had 3 migraines in my ENTIRE life - usually after having babies from hormonal changes. John has, unfortunately, been stricken with migraines throughout his life and our marriage. SO, it comes as a complete shock to us that I have had three debilitating migraines in less than seven days (Saturday, Wednesday and Friday). They start with a strange aura in the eyes and then lead to a mind-numbing head pain, accompanied with nauseousness. They are virually impossible to stay awake through and they last anywhere from 2 -10 hours. I just have to quarantine myself in a dark, quiet room until it's over....although that wasn't possible today. John is the same way.

Anyway, I saw the doctor this week and he said he thinks it is the same headache virus that was going around last month. He said he saw 3 other patients with migraines this week - people who don't normally get them. Who knows?!? It is impossible to take care of our family and learn Spanish when this is hitting me on a regular basis. Plus, it takes a few days to return to a "normal" feeling. Anyway, if you could please, please, please pray this will stop I would appreciate it very much. John hasn't had one in many weeks, but you could also pray his will not return. I am seriously starting to wonder if these are from environmental changes (high altitude, pollution, strange food, STRESS, etc...) because these are VERY uncharacteristic for me. And.....John's migraines have increased in frequency since we arrived.

Thank you for your prayers. I am positive that after you pray, I will come back with a drastically improved report. :)


MichelleD said...

I am praying!
I love the makeover here, too.
Twinkling for Jesus,

The McClain's said...

I am praying, Jessica. I could tell something was wrong today, I called after you but I'm sure you didn't hear me...and then I thought, well I won't bother her...I'm sorry I didn't stop right there and pray for you then. We'll pray through the weekend.
Brooke :)

SurgeryDad said...

watch your diet, and in particular any recent changes? Salt is especially a cultpret - so hydrate with EXTRA water. Caffiene occasionally helps - yum, yum, chocolate or the "good stuff" (double cup 'o joe) - but then ironically, sleep is especially important. Oh, and regular time for meals helps. Decrees stress also a big factor, but you can remind yourself of what you are about and this should help ease your minds and hearts. Of course, if this is a virus, then your stuck. So eat healthy and I'll keep you in my prayers - (hope no lightning stikes - tee-hee). All the best. Paul (aka - the doctor)

Anonymous said...

Love the new blog site.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of the family Thanksgiving. It was such a blessing.
I will be praying for you and John both with the migraines. I had my first 3 with this pregnancy, too (as you know). I know how horrible they can be. I will call this week.
Amy Jo

Brian Donohoe said...

Jessica and John:

I know how bad they are and how they totally redner you ineffective. God is not the God of sickness, but for whatever reason He does allow it to occur in our bodies from time to time. He's probably really trying to make you totally helpless, destitute and dependent upon Him. I'm praying that in your weakness, He would be made strong (2 Cor 12:10)...

I prayed that you would be totally healed by God's power and that He would get all of the Glory for it! I know this is going to happen, b/c whatever we ask in His name, He does, so that His Father may be glorified! I'm excited to hear of your powerful testimony of this miraculous healing!

Stephanie said...

Howdy! I came over to see Heather's work and noticed your migraine posts. I mysteriously started getting them about 6 years ago and it took 3 before I realized it was anything scented with spice that triggered them. I had apple-cinnamon tea light candles lit for Christmas and a friend had the plug-ins. They had never bothered me before. So, you may think about the scents that are around you. The worst migraine ever was at the end of the A&M vs OU game in '02 when OU was ranked #1 and we were winning. I was there. That migraine was from all the screaming but I didn't take medicine in time. That's very important....take pain reliever as soon as you feel one starting and good luck! I've been there.
Stephanie '94

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