Thursday, March 6, 2008

CULTURE SHOCK!!!! For real, yall! I know you can't view my blog from google reader because it is private, but you can view the other 25 you check each day! :)

The homeschooling advice has been great. I'll definitely post what I decide to order. I am still waiting to hear from our mission as to the ordering process so I haven't yet done research based on the suggestions. But keep them coming! They are invaluable.

I now know 13 different verb tenses and my head just might explode off of my body. If it does, you can send my body back to Florida! :) LOL

The house of restoration Bible Study today was a DISASTER! Most of the disaster was probably only in my head, but I was having a hard time dealing with their interactions and fast talking, but keep in mind that I seemed to be the only one with issues (and praise the Lord they were all in my head). Today, one lady accused another lady of not having the Holy Spirit and that she wasn't a Christian. And that same lady accused the same lady of not reading because she didn't care. And ALL the WHILE I basically was LOST! Yes, lost during the study I was supposed to be teaching. After talking with my friend, Paula, I realized I am just going through culture shock during these studies. Everything is so different - the way they talk, interact with each other, study, etc.... Today I was thinking as I heard 8 billion words passing by me that I DID not understand because they were being said at warp-speed that I AM doing my life's calling; sharing the word with people. And it is HARD!!!!!!!!! Harder than I every imagined. Everything about sharing the word in this language was hard for me today - especially that ideas and concepts just aren't the same. UGH!!! So culture shock is upon me in a very real way. I have 2 weeks off from the restoration house and I am going to make MAJOR changes to the study to help accomodate the needs (no reading comprehension, no teeth, 2 women are illiterate, etc...) in the study while I have some time. The good news is that I did write the entire study by myself and translated it myself and my tutor looked it over and most of what she had to change was moving stuff to the subjunctive form which I haven't learned yet. Anyway, I digress! Today was frustrating, but once again, I was reminded how much it is NOT about me or about making me feel all comfortable and warm and cozy inside; which would be nice, but it's not always gonna happen that way. God kept telling me during the study, "don't worry about what you can or can't understand. JUST TEACH MY WORD!"

As my kids always say to us, "Yes sir, I'd be happy too!"


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