Saturday, March 22, 2008


I can't go into all the awful details on my blog, but please pray for baby Haillie Caples in St. Cloud, Florida from my home church. I was pregnant with her mother, Hettie, when I was carrying Avery. She had Hailie 4 months after Avery was born and now she is almost 2. Anyway, the baby was with her father and his girlfriend last night and they said she fell out of the crib. She was rushed to Arnold Palmer and had major brain surgery within hours of arriving. She had major Brain trauma (with no cracked skull) and one side of her brain I think collapsed or was on top of the other side. There are so many details about this situation that I can't publish, but please be praying for the mom and for justice and for peace for the mother. The mother got a call as soon as she returned home from the hospital to go back up to the hospital b/c the baby has no brain function and they have to say good-bye to her. She, obviously, is hysterical and really needs every single prayer she can be offered. Due to crazy circumstances, all of which she is innocent in, she has not been able to see the baby since October until today. Please pray for Hailie (the baby), Hattie (the mom), the little brothers, the grandma and the entire family - peace, strength, comfort, wisdom, understanding, love and anything you can think of. Please pray that there will be an investigation into the cause of this baby's accident. I will keep you posted.

John has been very upset about this situation and he scooped Avery out of bed and just cradled her enjoying every moment we have with her. We are never promised tomorrow....God is using this to show us to cherish every moment - TODAY!!!!


Mountain Momma said...

Wow!! I will keep them in our prayers!!

Amy said...

Abundant prayers for this family. So true....cheerish each and every moment!

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