John's dad's name is To (like toe) Hong (like hung) Pham! Here's the scoop:
John spoke with his dad for a few minutes on the telephone. He told John he is feeling a bit better.
His lungs are clearing up. The pulmonologist is not concerned about his pneumonia anymore.
His blood infections are clearing up.
There is still an issue with his heart. On Tuesday he is going to have a scope on his heart to find out if there is a valve leak or an infection. If they find a leak they have to do open heart surgery. If it is an infection, they have to treat it, which is apparently just as hard on his body as open heart surgery. The doctor's said his body needs to be as strong as possible for either/or.
He is trying very hard to get better, the sister's told us. He still cannot walk, but is talking a little more. John's dad told John he is in good spirits and was very happy that all of his family was there. And he said he felt like he and John were getting much, much closer. That has made him happy and is improving his progress!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Our weekend
Well, I finished the parenting book in less than 2 days. Guess I was pretty thirsty for some good teaching. We had an awesome weekend with our family as we were able to put into practice the techniques and tips that are in the book. John was very much on board and that obviously helps a ton when two parents are working towards one goal.
We haven't had water all day. How gross! I am referring to the toilet. I told John I just COULD NOT be a missionary that lived in a place without a flushing toilet - regularly. My smart hubby found a way to utilize the rain water from the gutters to flush the toilet. He's such an engineer and I love it. So, we were able to flush the toilet at least 5 times today. Trust me, it had to be flushed.
Tomorrow I am having a gastro-scope down my throat and such. It is minor and easy, but they have to put me to sleep for about 10-15 minutes. My two friends had it recently and they did great. But me and medicine are not the best of friends and at times I have had reverse reactions to anesthesia. I was going to go by myself, but I am thinking that John should join me. I'm a little nervous only because I have such a busy day tomorrow and I want to return to school and hit the ground running. I am a bit behind in my studies and IMB stuff for a myriad of reasons and tomorrow I really need to get back on track. But it might have to wait one more day.
John's dad is doing the same as far as we know. He is calling right now to get an update. I'll let you know.
We haven't had water all day. How gross! I am referring to the toilet. I told John I just COULD NOT be a missionary that lived in a place without a flushing toilet - regularly. My smart hubby found a way to utilize the rain water from the gutters to flush the toilet. He's such an engineer and I love it. So, we were able to flush the toilet at least 5 times today. Trust me, it had to be flushed.
Tomorrow I am having a gastro-scope down my throat and such. It is minor and easy, but they have to put me to sleep for about 10-15 minutes. My two friends had it recently and they did great. But me and medicine are not the best of friends and at times I have had reverse reactions to anesthesia. I was going to go by myself, but I am thinking that John should join me. I'm a little nervous only because I have such a busy day tomorrow and I want to return to school and hit the ground running. I am a bit behind in my studies and IMB stuff for a myriad of reasons and tomorrow I really need to get back on track. But it might have to wait one more day.
John's dad is doing the same as far as we know. He is calling right now to get an update. I'll let you know.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Parenting is HARD!
John and I were feeling like we were failing miserably with our kids! That statement is probably true. SuperNanny was on the forefront of my mind, but I don't think she comes to Costa Rica. And I know what the solution is - love, discipline, training quality time, encouragement and bribery (oops, did I say that). I'm pulled so many directions right now that my priorities have been off. Only 6 more weeks!
Well, I got my hands on the book Becoming Pre-teen wise: Parenting your child from eight to twelve years by Gary Ezzo. I have read 140 pages in the last 24 hours. My eyes have been open to so many mistakes we have been making and areas that needs to change. I even read 3 or 4 chapters to the little ones today and they totally loved it. We did some role playing based on topics in the books. I read some stuff tonight that I am definitely going to share with them tomorrow. Regardless of what people might think about the author, Gary Ezzo, this is a phenomenal book and I feel like the heaven's have opened. And now I have the tools I needed to parent my two older children. I'm good with ages 0-5 (because I've done it 4 times now) but anything past that, I am clueless.
Pick up this book and read it if you get a chance. What a blessing!
Well, I got my hands on the book Becoming Pre-teen wise: Parenting your child from eight to twelve years by Gary Ezzo. I have read 140 pages in the last 24 hours. My eyes have been open to so many mistakes we have been making and areas that needs to change. I even read 3 or 4 chapters to the little ones today and they totally loved it. We did some role playing based on topics in the books. I read some stuff tonight that I am definitely going to share with them tomorrow. Regardless of what people might think about the author, Gary Ezzo, this is a phenomenal book and I feel like the heaven's have opened. And now I have the tools I needed to parent my two older children. I'm good with ages 0-5 (because I've done it 4 times now) but anything past that, I am clueless.
Pick up this book and read it if you get a chance. What a blessing!
Out of the Nest
John wrote:
At the beginning of this trimester, I believe God has been calling me to put into practice what I have been preparing for. By this I mean, trying to reach a neighborhood with the Gospel and begin a Bible study for new/non-believers. So since May, I have been preparing. Gospel presentations, verses, Bible stories, anything related to beginning a new work. I had only shared this vision with one other person, and just this week, he called me and asked how things were going with the work. Sadly, no where but just preparing. So enough preparing! I could "prepare" and "perfect" forever and never get started. So here goes. But I would like for all of you, our "partners", to be involved as much as possible.
So in the next few weeks you will have opportunities to pray and follow the work. Here is the plan God has laid on my heart.
1. "Prayer Walk" the neighborhood (actually for now it is one street).
2. Video the prayer walk so you can pray, from your homes, with me.
3. Visit door-to-door asking how and if we can pray for the residents, on the spot.
4. Post requests so you can pray at home.
5. Follow-up visit, ask how God has worked from our prayers, share the Gospel, and invite residents to a Bible study.
6. Somewhere (only God knows where at this point) begin a Bible study.
7. If those who attend, or if any attend, the Bible study and are interested - begin a discipleship group where they learn to share their faith.
I believe God has, in part, called me to do this, because Costa Rica is still an atmosphere of learning. A place to struggle and have the freedom to make mistakes, with language and ministry. Because in 7 weeks, we will have to hit the ground running, full time.
Thank you for joining in the work, through your prayers.
At the beginning of this trimester, I believe God has been calling me to put into practice what I have been preparing for. By this I mean, trying to reach a neighborhood with the Gospel and begin a Bible study for new/non-believers. So since May, I have been preparing. Gospel presentations, verses, Bible stories, anything related to beginning a new work. I had only shared this vision with one other person, and just this week, he called me and asked how things were going with the work. Sadly, no where but just preparing. So enough preparing! I could "prepare" and "perfect" forever and never get started. So here goes. But I would like for all of you, our "partners", to be involved as much as possible.
So in the next few weeks you will have opportunities to pray and follow the work. Here is the plan God has laid on my heart.
1. "Prayer Walk" the neighborhood (actually for now it is one street).
2. Video the prayer walk so you can pray, from your homes, with me.
3. Visit door-to-door asking how and if we can pray for the residents, on the spot.
4. Post requests so you can pray at home.
5. Follow-up visit, ask how God has worked from our prayers, share the Gospel, and invite residents to a Bible study.
6. Somewhere (only God knows where at this point) begin a Bible study.
7. If those who attend, or if any attend, the Bible study and are interested - begin a discipleship group where they learn to share their faith.
I believe God has, in part, called me to do this, because Costa Rica is still an atmosphere of learning. A place to struggle and have the freedom to make mistakes, with language and ministry. Because in 7 weeks, we will have to hit the ground running, full time.
Thank you for joining in the work, through your prayers.
It seems mind boggling, but only 6 weeks and 6 days left until we leave for Lima. That is incredible! For so many reasons we are excited. Here are just a few (not in any particular order):
1. To have some quality time with the kiddos again.
2. To have a vehicle.
3. A bigger house with a little more space. All I really desire is a kitchen that is bigger than a dining room table and an extra bathroom (even a half-bath will be wonderful).
4. Opportunities for ministry.
5. Spanish growth.
6. To be out of transition and living a somewhat normal life.
7. For John to be doing everyday what God has so gifted him for.
8. For me to be doing everyday what God has so gifted me for (supporting him and raising the kids).
9. To be with our new friends in Lima.
10. Potatoes. Yep, Lima is the birthplace of the potatoes and there are 100's of different kinds.
11. Last but not least, to be finished with language school!!!!!!
1. To have some quality time with the kiddos again.
2. To have a vehicle.
3. A bigger house with a little more space. All I really desire is a kitchen that is bigger than a dining room table and an extra bathroom (even a half-bath will be wonderful).
4. Opportunities for ministry.
5. Spanish growth.
6. To be out of transition and living a somewhat normal life.
7. For John to be doing everyday what God has so gifted him for.
8. For me to be doing everyday what God has so gifted me for (supporting him and raising the kids).
9. To be with our new friends in Lima.
10. Potatoes. Yep, Lima is the birthplace of the potatoes and there are 100's of different kinds.
11. Last but not least, to be finished with language school!!!!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
John's dad took a turn for the better. He woke up yesterday because his body responded extremely quickly to the massive amounts of steroids he was given the day before. All the family came in to say their goodbyes (except for John, of course) and were pleasantly surprised that dad had made HUGE progress. He is still battling infections, pneumonia, addison's, etc.... But yesterday he was lucid and could talk and the doctor was much more optimistic than the day before. However, since he has Addison's disease, he could easily have another Addison's "attack" and have a huge setback. John was able to clearly share the gospel with his father on the phone last night. His father prayed as well and asked for forgiveness and accepted Christ's gift. The doctor's want to put a pace-maker in his heart in a few days. He is still in ICU and is obviously critical and things can change for better or worse from day to today. God is giving us strength on this roller coaster ride, but I'd be lying if I said this isn't difficult. Your prayers and God's grace are sustaining us.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
John's sister called today to say that the doctor said all of the family needs to come say their good-byes to John's father and that he will not make it. On top of Addison's disease, diabetes, several blood infections, UTI's, congestive heart failure and kidney failure, he now has pneumonia. I'm sure you are tired of reading all of the bad news. John and I are kind of in shock tonight because his dad seemed to make such HUGE progress last week. Our hearts are sad for so many reasons.
We are praying that God will provide the funds so that some or all of us can attend the funeral.
We are praying that God will provide the funds so that some or all of us can attend the funeral.
Please Pray
John wrote: I will try to make this extremely short.
Got home from school. Had a voicemail from my sister. The pulmonologist came to see my dad to check out his lungs, but said everyone needs to come to say goodbye because his heart is failing. He also has a blood infection and urinary tract infection, that has caused infections to spread all over his body. fluid swelling his body would indicate that his kidneys are failing. Addison's disease is causing his whole body to shut down.
It's hard for me, because 3 or 4 times, he was doing great and was ready to be discharged. Could you please pray for my dad? After what I saw last time that all the saints prayed, God can heal him, if He desires.
Got home from school. Had a voicemail from my sister. The pulmonologist came to see my dad to check out his lungs, but said everyone needs to come to say goodbye because his heart is failing. He also has a blood infection and urinary tract infection, that has caused infections to spread all over his body. fluid swelling his body would indicate that his kidneys are failing. Addison's disease is causing his whole body to shut down.
It's hard for me, because 3 or 4 times, he was doing great and was ready to be discharged. Could you please pray for my dad? After what I saw last time that all the saints prayed, God can heal him, if He desires.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Update on John's Dad
John wrote:
It's hard to believe it has been a month since I left to go see my dad. Can't believe he's still in the hospital. Mentally, he is doing remarkably well. We always prayed that he would be lucid 50% percent of the time, at best. Instead, he is normal about 75% of the time. Praise God. Physically, it's up and down. For a month now, the doctors have been saying they are going to release him in 2-3 days, but then another complication arises.
Tonight I received a call from my sister. My father's heart stopped for 7 seconds last night. Tonight, the immediate response team had to come to his room and work on him, because he was having trouble breathing and his heart rate got down to 30. Normal resting rate is 60-100. Doctors are continuing to treat for his Addison's Disease. They think this might have been a Addison's crisis where muscles and organs lose function temporarily.
Thank you for all who have asked how my dad is doing and those who have, and continue, to pray for him.
It's hard to believe it has been a month since I left to go see my dad. Can't believe he's still in the hospital. Mentally, he is doing remarkably well. We always prayed that he would be lucid 50% percent of the time, at best. Instead, he is normal about 75% of the time. Praise God. Physically, it's up and down. For a month now, the doctors have been saying they are going to release him in 2-3 days, but then another complication arises.
Tonight I received a call from my sister. My father's heart stopped for 7 seconds last night. Tonight, the immediate response team had to come to his room and work on him, because he was having trouble breathing and his heart rate got down to 30. Normal resting rate is 60-100. Doctors are continuing to treat for his Addison's Disease. They think this might have been a Addison's crisis where muscles and organs lose function temporarily.
Thank you for all who have asked how my dad is doing and those who have, and continue, to pray for him.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Spanglish at the doctor's office
Yesterday I had my annual check-up with a UroGynegologist. I made sure that the doctor spoke English before I made the appointment. They assured me that he spoke English and Spanish. I arrived and was greeted by a lovely secretary who had a million questions for me about my past health. All the questions were in Spanish. I made it through the interrogation somehow and she was extremely patient. I just kept thinking, let's get the doctor in here so can we can do this in English.
The doctor was wonderful! I could tell that he wasn't tracking with me as I spoke English. So I asked him if I should slow down and he said yes. We tried to dialogue for a few minutes and then I said, "Would it be easier for you if we spoke in Spanish?" He was delighted to go back to his mother tongue. So....we did the entire (and it was about 30 minutes) appointment in Spanish because my Spanish is better than his English. Boy, that made me feel good. When I was trying, originally, to speak in English to him, I was having a hard time because my mind would translate it into Spanish and my tongue was having to say it in English. So it became easier for me just to converse only in Spanish. It was a great experience for me to have this opportunity. I left feeling very please at how much I understood and expressed. And I didn't think that they were frustrated at all with my inability to communicate perfectly. The doctor and his secretary even gave me hugs when I left. :)
The doctor was wonderful! I could tell that he wasn't tracking with me as I spoke English. So I asked him if I should slow down and he said yes. We tried to dialogue for a few minutes and then I said, "Would it be easier for you if we spoke in Spanish?" He was delighted to go back to his mother tongue. So....we did the entire (and it was about 30 minutes) appointment in Spanish because my Spanish is better than his English. Boy, that made me feel good. When I was trying, originally, to speak in English to him, I was having a hard time because my mind would translate it into Spanish and my tongue was having to say it in English. So it became easier for me just to converse only in Spanish. It was a great experience for me to have this opportunity. I left feeling very please at how much I understood and expressed. And I didn't think that they were frustrated at all with my inability to communicate perfectly. The doctor and his secretary even gave me hugs when I left. :)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
John's Dad
We got to skype John's dad tonight in California. He is still in the hospital, but he was awake and alert and could talk a bit. They are talking about releasing him to a rehabilition home soon so that he can start walking more, eating, etc... He can brush his teeth and comb his hair now. Sounds like small stuff, but this is HUGE! Truly, truly miraculous.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I've been tagged. My friend Kerri tagged me to spell out 6 quirks that I have. (Only 6?) Kerri has become a friend through blogging. She and her family will be appointed soon as IMB missionaries and they will be heading to Brazil to share Christ. Can't wait until we can meet, but until then we will share quirks.
Here are the rules:
*Link the person who tagged you.
*Mention the rules in your blog.
*Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
*Tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking them
Here goes:
1. I can't stand neck hair on the back of men's when it grows longer, past the hairline. It gives me the willy's.
2. When I see dry elbows, I just want to lather them up with lotion; especially crusty ones that are white. Are you doing an elbow check right now?
3. I cannot eat french-fries with ketchup. It has to be with mustard or McDonald's BBQ sauce.
4. Shoving food in a ball to the side of the mouth while one is talking greatly bothers me - especially if someone in my family does it.
5. I'm quirky about the way I drink my coffee. I like a very specific type of creamer (3 teaspoons that have to be measured out, with 2 teaspoons of sugar...also measured out). And the coffee can't be too strong.
6. I like my girls to wear dresses. Avery wears a dress to school almost everyday and Ally loves long, flowing skirts (she has to wear a school shirt).
And another for good measure (John reminded me of this one):
7. I sleep with 3 pillows: one for my head, one for my back and one for my belly. I've been pregnant so many times that I can't sleep without 3 pillows.
That wasn't so bad. I'm sure I could find 10 more quirks, but I was trying not to be very negative. :)
Here are the friends I am tagging:
Heather, my passionate Texas Aggie who lives in florida -
Pamela, missionary to Mexico -
Jonatha, fellow homeschooling mom and mother of 4 -
Kathryn, the amazing ring leader of her circus of 4, http:/
Kitty, always encouraging and laughing,
Steph, BFF forever,
Tammy, my buddy in Georgia,
Here are the rules:
*Link the person who tagged you.
*Mention the rules in your blog.
*Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
*Tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking them
Here goes:
1. I can't stand neck hair on the back of men's when it grows longer, past the hairline. It gives me the willy's.
2. When I see dry elbows, I just want to lather them up with lotion; especially crusty ones that are white. Are you doing an elbow check right now?
3. I cannot eat french-fries with ketchup. It has to be with mustard or McDonald's BBQ sauce.
4. Shoving food in a ball to the side of the mouth while one is talking greatly bothers me - especially if someone in my family does it.
5. I'm quirky about the way I drink my coffee. I like a very specific type of creamer (3 teaspoons that have to be measured out, with 2 teaspoons of sugar...also measured out). And the coffee can't be too strong.
6. I like my girls to wear dresses. Avery wears a dress to school almost everyday and Ally loves long, flowing skirts (she has to wear a school shirt).
And another for good measure (John reminded me of this one):
7. I sleep with 3 pillows: one for my head, one for my back and one for my belly. I've been pregnant so many times that I can't sleep without 3 pillows.
That wasn't so bad. I'm sure I could find 10 more quirks, but I was trying not to be very negative. :)
Here are the friends I am tagging:
Heather, my passionate Texas Aggie who lives in florida -
Pamela, missionary to Mexico -
Jonatha, fellow homeschooling mom and mother of 4 -
Kathryn, the amazing ring leader of her circus of 4, http:/
Kitty, always encouraging and laughing,
Steph, BFF forever,
Tammy, my buddy in Georgia,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
You better believe it!
Look out Peru because here we come!
The Visas have arrived and are processed. The plane tickets are purchased and at least one bag is packed. Okay, so it's full of stuff I never use; but it's packed nonetheless.
We are heading out in 9 weeks and 1 day - August 16th at 10ish a.m.
I seriously can't even believe I'm writing this. The end and the beginning are so close I can almost reach it.
The Visas have arrived and are processed. The plane tickets are purchased and at least one bag is packed. Okay, so it's full of stuff I never use; but it's packed nonetheless.
We are heading out in 9 weeks and 1 day - August 16th at 10ish a.m.
I seriously can't even believe I'm writing this. The end and the beginning are so close I can almost reach it.
Addisson's Disease
We found out yesterday that John's dad has Addisson's Disease. Actually, this is quite good news because it is treatable (although can be fatal), but makes perfect sense and fits with all of the problems he has had. Can you believe he has been in the hospital since May 15 - 1 month.
Click here to learn more abotu Addisson's Disease:
His dad walked a little during physical therapy yesterday. John was able to talk to him on the phone and he is seemingly more coherent each day that he is receiving treatment. Things are looking GOOD! I will keep you posted.
Click here to learn more abotu Addisson's Disease:
His dad walked a little during physical therapy yesterday. John was able to talk to him on the phone and he is seemingly more coherent each day that he is receiving treatment. Things are looking GOOD! I will keep you posted.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
extra credit
As I was about to go to sleep and was revelling in my 100%, I recalled that I received 4 extra points for extra credit on my test. BUMMER! Okay, so I guess it wasn't actually perfect. But I'm still happy!
A good grade! A nice encouragement!
It's only taken 10 months of language study, but I received my FIRST 100% EVER on a Spanish examen. And it was over 2 rules of subjunctive and ALL sentence writing - no fill in the blanks or anything. All that to say, that it was ALL God b/c life here has been so crazy, insane, upside down, challenging, and unusual, that I can tell you it certainly wasn't from all of my "hard" work. It was a nice blessing to receive my grade today. I was honestly expecting a 70ish%. Praise God for such a treat. It definitely put a pep back in my step.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I'm not a woman who generally lives in fear. However, tonight at the mall I was truly scared. I took the two little girls on a date. After we ate, they were playing at the indoor playground. All of a sudden I am hearing yelling. Like 100 people yelling - not screaming, not shouting, not cussing....just one long aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh that lasted for like 2 minutes. At first I thought it was maybe some kind of cultural thing I hadn't heard of, but then when the national next to me said "Que es esto?" (what is this?) which is exactly what I had been thinking, I knew it wasn't cultural. Everyone was just standing around watching these people shout and staring in disbelief. And then a group of like 20 people (the same ones who were shouting) got in a single file line and started marching through the food court, up and down the aisles through the table. They were getting closer and chanting, yelling all the way.
In all transparency, thoughts of Virginia Tech and Columbine and Church Shootings and Mall Shootings were running through my head. My human interest wanted to stick around to see what these loonies were doing, but my instinct said get out of here. I scooped up the girls and we ran to the closest department store in utter fear. Yes, I was the only one running. I was also the only gringo in the mall. Too many bad American "news" stories have gotten the best of me. I can tell you that I was so scared that I was nauseous from fear. I really felt like something bad could've happened. And once I got into the department store, I saw that the group was marching around the kid's section where we had just been. Relief that I had escaped filled my body. We quickly high-tailed it to the other side of the mall.
When I asked the security guard what was happening, he said it was just some crazy's wanting to get attention.
Indeed they got my attention and sparked a fear in my heart that I didn't know existed. I'm glad that God gave me the sense to be aware and get out of there. Even if it all did end well. You just never know! I hope I never feel that sense of "entrapment" and fear again.
In all transparency, thoughts of Virginia Tech and Columbine and Church Shootings and Mall Shootings were running through my head. My human interest wanted to stick around to see what these loonies were doing, but my instinct said get out of here. I scooped up the girls and we ran to the closest department store in utter fear. Yes, I was the only one running. I was also the only gringo in the mall. Too many bad American "news" stories have gotten the best of me. I can tell you that I was so scared that I was nauseous from fear. I really felt like something bad could've happened. And once I got into the department store, I saw that the group was marching around the kid's section where we had just been. Relief that I had escaped filled my body. We quickly high-tailed it to the other side of the mall.
When I asked the security guard what was happening, he said it was just some crazy's wanting to get attention.
Indeed they got my attention and sparked a fear in my heart that I didn't know existed. I'm glad that God gave me the sense to be aware and get out of there. Even if it all did end well. You just never know! I hope I never feel that sense of "entrapment" and fear again.
Update on John's Dad
John wrote:
Just talked to my sister. My dad is not doing well. He is lathargic, can't hardly open his eyes, and has a hard time breathing. The doctors think he has "myasthenia gravis" which, according to wikipedia, causes muscle weakness. Muscles that control eye and eyelid movement, facial expression, chewing, talking, and swallowing are especially susceptible. The muscles that control breathing and neck and limb movements can also be affected. The onset of the disorder can be sudden or rapid. They are doing blood tests. Also, his hemoglobin is low. I ask that you would continue to pray.
Also, please pray for Ancelmo, a Hispanic man whom I shared my testimony and the Gospel with in the waiting room when I was there. He is 80. Though it was all in spanish, I believe he understood, before his family came out to leave just as I finished. So I was not able to offer a time of decision.
Just talked to my sister. My dad is not doing well. He is lathargic, can't hardly open his eyes, and has a hard time breathing. The doctors think he has "myasthenia gravis" which, according to wikipedia, causes muscle weakness. Muscles that control eye and eyelid movement, facial expression, chewing, talking, and swallowing are especially susceptible. The muscles that control breathing and neck and limb movements can also be affected. The onset of the disorder can be sudden or rapid. They are doing blood tests. Also, his hemoglobin is low. I ask that you would continue to pray.
Also, please pray for Ancelmo, a Hispanic man whom I shared my testimony and the Gospel with in the waiting room when I was there. He is 80. Though it was all in spanish, I believe he understood, before his family came out to leave just as I finished. So I was not able to offer a time of decision.
This week I have had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with Jaxson alone. He has been sleeping on a mattress next to our bed! Last night he wanted to sleep back in his own room and I pretty much had to beg him to stay with us. I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having him with us. I love rolling over and seeing his cute body and face on the floor next to me. And I love laying on his mattress cuddling with him before he goes to sleep.
Last night he decide that he is going to marry "me!" Jokingly, I said, "Well, we can get married right now. Daddy can marry us."
He replied, "I can't marry you right now because I don't have any fancy clothes."
Oh, he is so precious!
Well, when it came time for me to tell him 7 times to lay down and go to sleep he said angrily, "Well then....I'm not going to marry you anymore!"
Of course, I chuckled under my breath and then said, "Go to sleep Jaxson!"
Last night he decide that he is going to marry "me!" Jokingly, I said, "Well, we can get married right now. Daddy can marry us."
He replied, "I can't marry you right now because I don't have any fancy clothes."
Oh, he is so precious!
Well, when it came time for me to tell him 7 times to lay down and go to sleep he said angrily, "Well then....I'm not going to marry you anymore!"
Of course, I chuckled under my breath and then said, "Go to sleep Jaxson!"
Friday, June 6, 2008
John's Dad
Maybe yesterday's post was a little pre-mature! However, John's dad's progress was definitely a miracle for that day! Praise God for such an awesome day.
However, we got a call last night saying that John's dad isn't doing well. He is totally out of it - worse than before! He can't even open his eyes. The doctor's are concerned about a pulmonary embolism or a stroke. Yesterday's decline was not good and is very concerning to everyone. Please continue to pray!
However, we got a call last night saying that John's dad isn't doing well. He is totally out of it - worse than before! He can't even open his eyes. The doctor's are concerned about a pulmonary embolism or a stroke. Yesterday's decline was not good and is very concerning to everyone. Please continue to pray!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
A Miracle in the Making
I seldom use the word miracle. But I have to say....the progress John's dad has made in the past 2 days has been nothing short of a miracle. He was basically at death's door. And in the past 2 days, he has become alert, is recognizing people, can swallow again, and he even walked 40 feet (with help, of course) yesterday. His lungs are improving, his diabetes is under control (as much as possible), and his infections are cleared up and the alzheimer's is giving him a break. Although he doesn't remember John's visit last week at all. However, he is slowly getting his functions back; something I didn't expect to see. He is truly making progress. I know that this is from the power of all the people praying for him.
He is still in the hospital and he will be moving to a rehab facility sometime in the near future.
WOW! I was truly floored when we got the great report. But I shouldn't be, because God's powers are endless and he is in the business of healing. What a mighty Lord we serve.
He is still in the hospital and he will be moving to a rehab facility sometime in the near future.
WOW! I was truly floored when we got the great report. But I shouldn't be, because God's powers are endless and he is in the business of healing. What a mighty Lord we serve.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Saturday Fun!
Surgery Day
JAXSON'S Big Day!!! Operation Tonsils out.
Did I mention how big his adenoids were. She said he really needed this surgery. And yesterday, he blew his nose for the first time EVER in his entire life. How great is that?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Everyone is sleeping! There is total silence in the house.
I've been thinking a lot about the day when there will be no children in the house - screaming, playing, pretending, running and giggling.
At moments, I think, "Awww....can't wait."
And then I realize I never want these days to end. I am treasuring every moment with these precious little ones. Before I know it, they will be long gone and I'll be begging for a phone call or a hug. So for now...I can read and hug, and sword fight, and tickle and help with homework and listen ALL day long. Because these days won't last forever. Why wish them away when in 15 years I'll be wishing them back?!
I've been thinking a lot about the day when there will be no children in the house - screaming, playing, pretending, running and giggling.
At moments, I think, "Awww....can't wait."
And then I realize I never want these days to end. I am treasuring every moment with these precious little ones. Before I know it, they will be long gone and I'll be begging for a phone call or a hug. So for now...I can read and hug, and sword fight, and tickle and help with homework and listen ALL day long. Because these days won't last forever. Why wish them away when in 15 years I'll be wishing them back?!
In all the hustle of life, I forgot to mention that ALL parker wants for Christmas is his two front teeth! :) His two top baby teeth fell out this past week! What a sight to behold. He is over the moon now that he is officially a "big" boy!
Life is getting back to normal - whatever normal is. Jaxson is doing AWESOME!!! Today he goes for his follow-up appointment. We are awaiting an update on John's dad! And we have had a full week of ZERO vomitting. HALLELUYAH! Is that how you spell that word?
Oh yeh, and 2 months, 1 week and 4 days until Lima!
Life is getting back to normal - whatever normal is. Jaxson is doing AWESOME!!! Today he goes for his follow-up appointment. We are awaiting an update on John's dad! And we have had a full week of ZERO vomitting. HALLELUYAH! Is that how you spell that word?
Oh yeh, and 2 months, 1 week and 4 days until Lima!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
John wrote:
Out of the four days I saw my father last week, he recognized me and said my name two times. Once on the first and once on the second day. Not for a lack of trying, though. I must have asked 50 times. But by the end of the fourth day, I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't ask, "Dad, who am I. What's my name." anymore. Each time my heart broke and tears flowed as he tried but couldn't.
One of the many things I realized was that, death is inevitable, but regrets are avoidable. Much of my pain came from regrets. I regret not calling him enough, not spending enough time with him, not sending enough pictures, not telling him thank you for being a great father or how proud I was to be his son, not talking to him about Jesus more. List goes on.
I resolved to make sure I don't have anymore regrets with anyone else in my life.
Thank you to all who have and are praying for him.
Out of the four days I saw my father last week, he recognized me and said my name two times. Once on the first and once on the second day. Not for a lack of trying, though. I must have asked 50 times. But by the end of the fourth day, I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't ask, "Dad, who am I. What's my name." anymore. Each time my heart broke and tears flowed as he tried but couldn't.
One of the many things I realized was that, death is inevitable, but regrets are avoidable. Much of my pain came from regrets. I regret not calling him enough, not spending enough time with him, not sending enough pictures, not telling him thank you for being a great father or how proud I was to be his son, not talking to him about Jesus more. List goes on.
I resolved to make sure I don't have anymore regrets with anyone else in my life.
Thank you to all who have and are praying for him.
The Pham family feels so blessed by God's provision and the joy He has given us during these times. Although John and I are so tired that neither of us can see straight, we are still smiling, enjoying one another, the kids and are so thankful for everyday God gives us together.
The latest updates:
John's dad is "stable," however his lungs keep filling up with fuid so now they are draining his lungs 2x a day. He is coughing like crazy. I don't know any other details right now. We are waiting for a call from John's sister to get the latest (this was yesterday's update).
Jaxson had his surgery yesterday morning and I took sooo many cute pictures of him throughout the process so that you can see them. When I'm not so hot and tired I will post them.
The doctor removed his adenoids and tonsils. She said his adenoids were HUGE and that he really needed this surgery. His tonsils were not in good shape she also reported. He was doing great yesterday. However, he had a very rough night last night. And today he is just lying around, won't eat or drink much, isn't talking and spiked a 100.6 fever - not huge but definitely noteworthy when the risk of infection is high. The doctor calls us every 4-6 hours to check on him. She was not happy about his decline this morning. We are working very hard to break the fever (although it is small) and get him hydrated and feeling better. Yesterday he was talking and running around and playing like crazy. Today he is not! He is resting peacefully right now.
On a side note, I didn't realize how much I missed John until I saw him and jumped up in his arms. I hadn't planned this, but my excitement got the best of me. I think I don't ever want him to leave again. :)
The latest updates:
John's dad is "stable," however his lungs keep filling up with fuid so now they are draining his lungs 2x a day. He is coughing like crazy. I don't know any other details right now. We are waiting for a call from John's sister to get the latest (this was yesterday's update).
Jaxson had his surgery yesterday morning and I took sooo many cute pictures of him throughout the process so that you can see them. When I'm not so hot and tired I will post them.
The doctor removed his adenoids and tonsils. She said his adenoids were HUGE and that he really needed this surgery. His tonsils were not in good shape she also reported. He was doing great yesterday. However, he had a very rough night last night. And today he is just lying around, won't eat or drink much, isn't talking and spiked a 100.6 fever - not huge but definitely noteworthy when the risk of infection is high. The doctor calls us every 4-6 hours to check on him. She was not happy about his decline this morning. We are working very hard to break the fever (although it is small) and get him hydrated and feeling better. Yesterday he was talking and running around and playing like crazy. Today he is not! He is resting peacefully right now.
On a side note, I didn't realize how much I missed John until I saw him and jumped up in his arms. I hadn't planned this, but my excitement got the best of me. I think I don't ever want him to leave again. :)
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