Saturday, June 28, 2008

Out of the Nest

John wrote:

At the beginning of this trimester, I believe God has been calling me to put into practice what I have been preparing for. By this I mean, trying to reach a neighborhood with the Gospel and begin a Bible study for new/non-believers. So since May, I have been preparing. Gospel presentations, verses, Bible stories, anything related to beginning a new work. I had only shared this vision with one other person, and just this week, he called me and asked how things were going with the work. Sadly, no where but just preparing. So enough preparing! I could "prepare" and "perfect" forever and never get started. So here goes. But I would like for all of you, our "partners", to be involved as much as possible.

So in the next few weeks you will have opportunities to pray and follow the work. Here is the plan God has laid on my heart.

1. "Prayer Walk" the neighborhood (actually for now it is one street).
2. Video the prayer walk so you can pray, from your homes, with me.
3. Visit door-to-door asking how and if we can pray for the residents, on the spot.
4. Post requests so you can pray at home.
5. Follow-up visit, ask how God has worked from our prayers, share the Gospel, and invite residents to a Bible study.
6. Somewhere (only God knows where at this point) begin a Bible study.
7. If those who attend, or if any attend, the Bible study and are interested - begin a discipleship group where they learn to share their faith.

I believe God has, in part, called me to do this, because Costa Rica is still an atmosphere of learning. A place to struggle and have the freedom to make mistakes, with language and ministry. Because in 7 weeks, we will have to hit the ground running, full time.

Thank you for joining in the work, through your prayers.

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