Sunday, June 1, 2008


John wrote:

Out of the four days I saw my father last week, he recognized me and said my name two times. Once on the first and once on the second day. Not for a lack of trying, though. I must have asked 50 times. But by the end of the fourth day, I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't ask, "Dad, who am I. What's my name." anymore. Each time my heart broke and tears flowed as he tried but couldn't.

One of the many things I realized was that, death is inevitable, but regrets are avoidable. Much of my pain came from regrets. I regret not calling him enough, not spending enough time with him, not sending enough pictures, not telling him thank you for being a great father or how proud I was to be his son, not talking to him about Jesus more. List goes on.

I resolved to make sure I don't have anymore regrets with anyone else in my life.

Thank you to all who have and are praying for him.

1 comment:

laytonfamily said...

this brings tears to my eyes because I am not close with my mom much anymore. I think I'll call her tomorrow - thank you!

I am so sorry you have to go thru this with your dad, I will be praying for your family!

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