The view of the city from the surgery floor. Waiting to register at 5:45 a.m.
Waiting for the doctor to call his name before the surgery.
All these tears from having to change his clothes. He was really getting scared until we told him he could be any super-hero he wanted to be. He chose larry boy/peter-pan. You can see he had his peter-pan sword on.
See, he didn't stay upset for long.
His doctor and future wife. He said he wants to marry her. He said, "Does she have any kids? No, she can't have any kids....cause she's married to me and I don't have any!" He adores her. I think it's mutual. But then later he reminded me that he is going to marry Annie Robinson.
After the surgery, at home, resting. What a trooper! He left the hospital with at least 5 new girlfriends. All the nurses loved him. What a precious gift he is!
Did I mention how big his adenoids were. She said he really needed this surgery. And yesterday, he blew his nose for the first time EVER in his entire life. How great is that?
I hope that one day if my baby boy has to have his tonsils out and I have to be at the hospitol at 5 in the morning that I am as chipper and camera happy as you are! What a testimony of God's grace for mamma's, daddy's, and little boys!
He looks so tiny!
I hope that one day if my baby boy has to have his tonsils out and I have to be at the hospitol at 5 in the morning that I am as chipper and camera happy as you are! What a testimony of God's grace for mamma's, daddy's, and little boys!
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