Saturday, June 14, 2008


I've been tagged. My friend Kerri tagged me to spell out 6 quirks that I have. (Only 6?) Kerri has become a friend through blogging. She and her family will be appointed soon as IMB missionaries and they will be heading to Brazil to share Christ. Can't wait until we can meet, but until then we will share quirks.

Here are the rules:
*Link the person who tagged you.
*Mention the rules in your blog.
*Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
*Tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking them

Here goes:

1. I can't stand neck hair on the back of men's when it grows longer, past the hairline. It gives me the willy's.

2. When I see dry elbows, I just want to lather them up with lotion; especially crusty ones that are white. Are you doing an elbow check right now?

3. I cannot eat french-fries with ketchup. It has to be with mustard or McDonald's BBQ sauce.

4. Shoving food in a ball to the side of the mouth while one is talking greatly bothers me - especially if someone in my family does it.

5. I'm quirky about the way I drink my coffee. I like a very specific type of creamer (3 teaspoons that have to be measured out, with 2 teaspoons of sugar...also measured out). And the coffee can't be too strong.

6. I like my girls to wear dresses. Avery wears a dress to school almost everyday and Ally loves long, flowing skirts (she has to wear a school shirt).

And another for good measure (John reminded me of this one):

7. I sleep with 3 pillows: one for my head, one for my back and one for my belly. I've been pregnant so many times that I can't sleep without 3 pillows.

That wasn't so bad. I'm sure I could find 10 more quirks, but I was trying not to be very negative. :)

Here are the friends I am tagging:

Heather, my passionate Texas Aggie who lives in florida -
Pamela, missionary to Mexico -
Jonatha, fellow homeschooling mom and mother of 4 -
Kathryn, the amazing ring leader of her circus of 4, http:/
Kitty, always encouraging and laughing,
Steph, BFF forever,
Tammy, my buddy in Georgia,


Jonatha said...

I may have trouble limiting my list to only 6 as well. :)

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Quirks? Who says I have quirks. Aggies are perfect quirk-free individuals.

heeheee. Maybe I should let my husband write out my quirks!

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