Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Everyone is sleeping! There is total silence in the house.

I've been thinking a lot about the day when there will be no children in the house - screaming, playing, pretending, running and giggling.

At moments, I think, "Awww....can't wait."

And then I realize I never want these days to end. I am treasuring every moment with these precious little ones. Before I know it, they will be long gone and I'll be begging for a phone call or a hug. So for now...I can read and hug, and sword fight, and tickle and help with homework and listen ALL day long. Because these days won't last forever. Why wish them away when in 15 years I'll be wishing them back?!


Kim said...

Thanks for a little perspective.

Jonatha said...

I know what you mean! It helps me to keep a perspective on the daily "trials" of all these little ones. It can be so frustrating when I just want an hour alone, but one day, I may be begging for an hour of time! Thanks for the reminder!

Karen said...

I am starting to miss those days already. Lizzie being 17, driving, working and forming her own life now and then Jimmy being 14 is starting to become more and more independent. When ever Jimmy asks me to lay down with him until he falls asleep, I jump up and say yes, b/c I know the day will come that he will not want me to lay down with him at all.

circus of love said...

I am trying to focus on this fact too!!! I can't wait til my John is home and we can enjoy them together

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