Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Scoop on John's Dad

John's dad's name is To (like toe) Hong (like hung) Pham! Here's the scoop:

John spoke with his dad for a few minutes on the telephone. He told John he is feeling a bit better.

His lungs are clearing up. The pulmonologist is not concerned about his pneumonia anymore.

His blood infections are clearing up.

There is still an issue with his heart. On Tuesday he is going to have a scope on his heart to find out if there is a valve leak or an infection. If they find a leak they have to do open heart surgery. If it is an infection, they have to treat it, which is apparently just as hard on his body as open heart surgery. The doctor's said his body needs to be as strong as possible for either/or.

He is trying very hard to get better, the sister's told us. He still cannot walk, but is talking a little more. John's dad told John he is in good spirits and was very happy that all of his family was there. And he said he felt like he and John were getting much, much closer. That has made him happy and is improving his progress!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the update and that John's dad is doing better. We will continue to pray. I'm thrilled to hear that he and his dad are getting closer through all of this. God is so good!

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