Monday, September 15, 2008

Change of Blog Format/PRAYER REQUESTS


We are changing the blog format! We will blog 3 times a week, probably Monday, Wednesday and Friday (always subject to change due to life circumstances).

Mondays: Prayer Request
Wednesdays: Ministry Happenings
Friday: Picture day

This is in an effort to simplify our lives and to best keep you informed of what is happening in Lima, Peru. This blog will no longer serve as an online journal of sorts. :( Sorry!

Since it's Monday, here are the Prayer Requests:

1. That our car would be released ASAP from customs. We need this vehicle and it is hindering the work that John would like to begin (but of course, God has already begun it).

2. For God to continue to open ministry doors and opportunities. So far, they are opening at a rapid speed. Praise God!

3. Continued language and cultural aquisition and that our hearts would grow stronger and stronger for the people throughout this period of adjustment.

4. Our marriage to be strengthened and unified continually.

5. For the children to make some friends and start some activities (once again, needing the vehicle).

6. That God would direct us to the church he wants us to serve in and that we could get plugged in and acclimated quickly.

7. That we would glorify Him and Honor Him in all that we do.

8. John's dad to recover quickly.

9. That we would be excellent stewards of our time.

10. That John would have wisdom as he plans for a medical mission trip that is coming next July.

11. That our elevator would be fixed very soon so we don't have to go up 6 flights of stairs with kids and groceries.

Thank you for your prayers!


Jonatha said...

I really like the idea of your new blogging "theme". I look forward to reading it! :)

circus of love said...

I totally understand your changing your format. I will be praying for you!!
I pray that in this time of no vehicle and fewer extra curricular activities He will give your family great times together. Fun time, sweet time. Special memories. Bind your hearts together in ways you never thought possible. We love you all!!!!

Amy said...

I'll miss the journaling, but I understand...and I'll be keeping in touch other ways. Thanks for the prayer requests. They will help us at breakfast time:-)

The Byrd's Nest said...

I personally loved the journaling because it showed the human side of a missionary. Plus it gave me the ability to know exactly what you needed in prayer. Although, I do understand the need for format.

I will be in prayer for all of your requests....especially your vehicle!

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