Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Please pray for John's dad. We received an e-mail that he has taken a turn for the worst. He is back on the feeding tube, cannot walk, talk or do anything. He is extremely weak and the doctor's do not, so far, no what is happening this time. He has now been in the hospital for 3 months - since May 15. We continue to covet your prayers because as of right now the e-mail made it sound like things are not good. Our financial/savings situation from moving into this place is so bleak that if something happened to him, we wouldn't even have enough to send John there, let alone the rest of us. He was thisclose to being fully recovered. He was walking, eating, gaining weight, talking, and now he is back to ground zero. We know God is HUGE and can heal him once again. We covet this.

Ran with the running club today.

Super friendly, amazingly friendly and welcoming.
Very cold and wet by the beach in the morning.
Running and Spanish DO NOT mix!
Still couldn't understand them. They must think I am so dumb! I said "como," "mas despacio" and otra vez at least 10 times. UGH!
Thought it would be a casual 3-4 mile run. They ran me for 6 MILES!! NOT KIDDING! Totally wasn't prepared for that. But I finished and it was 7 if you include the half-mile each way to get there.
Toe is good! Still swollen, but feels great ONLY in my running shoes.
Going to run a 7K in September 21 with the group.
Can't wait to go back.

BTW: that 10K that I COULD NOT RUN was only 6 blocks from my house. I seriously almost cried when I saw this. It would've been my first race in 22 months.

I met with my 2 new language partners today. Oh, I forgot to mention this. I will in another blog, but I am just way too tired from getting up at the crack of dawn to run a gazillion miles. It went well and they were such a blessing to me. We also got cable today so at least now I CAN HEAR SPANISH and learn at my own pace from the television. Never thought I would be thankful to have a television in my house. I sure am now!

Tomorrow we go to pick up our resident ID's. We were told it could take ALL day. We are bringing all 4 kids. Please pray for us! :)

Homeschooling is back on with a vengeance. We did ALL subjects today (Bible, spelling, reading, writing, language, science). I thought I was going to fall over dead at 2:30 p.m. And I was only schooling 3. How do public school teachers do it? I do feel like it just gives me great time with each of them, but caffeine has become my new best friend.

God is working in my heart a lot these days as he is preparing us for ministry.

Still no car, internet or phone. We are ready for all 3, but God knows when it's best.


Jonatha said...

I'm considering a coffee break after lunch. It seems like I am exhausted (just like you) when school is over and I just want to take a nap!

The Byrd's Nest said...

Praying....Praying...Praying for all of your needs.

The Sage Family said...

Ohhh no!!! And you were my inspiration for trying to kick the habit. That and my son saying,"Mom, if caffeine is a drug then why do you drink it." Be strong.... take some B-12. (All this as I sip on my caffeine loaded Chai tea) !!!! We love you and we're praying for you. And for the official record, I am the slacker mom who has not begun school yet.

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