Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What A Mother Must Sacrifice

If you are a mother (or father for that fact), I BEG you to read this. It is one of the most beautiful pieces of art I have read in such a long, long time. The tears could not be contained nor could the desire to wrap a little one in my nest and to assure that I continue plucking the best for them. Please read, and comment...you'll be glad you did.



Jordana said...

don't you just love Ann @ HolyExperience?? God has used her to speak to my heart so many times!

may you have much energy today!

circus of love said...

I really loved this today. It reminded me to have fun with my kids. I should read it every morning. PLUCK those feathers girl.
I am with you on the caffiene!!! Gotta love coffee!
Do you still need someone to call your mom? I figure Aunt Kim or someone probably reads this thing and did but I'll give her a shout.
I am right there with you on the whole energy thing...and I WAS a teacher with 22 second graders. It seemed easier because you were UP energy wise for about 6 1/2 hours with the breaks you got when they went to P.E. and special classes and lunch. Then you SENT them home and you didn't have to cook, clean, change diapers, answer the phone...etc, etc, etc. You were just a teacher for those hours.

circus of love said...

Someone must have called her. Her number is gone!!! Good Deal!!!

Marissa said...

I just finished reading this - WOW! You were right, she is an incredible writer. Very inspirational. Thank you for sharing.

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