Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cool things

The first day we arrived at Punta Leona I noticed that the room had a candle in it. I thought, "how romantic." Hotels don't do this in the States. I'm gonna have to send a letter back home so we can get with it in the U.S.

3 days later when the electricity went out for 5 hours because of a torrential downpour, and we were stuck in the rain forest in an itty-bitty room with 4 children, we then realized what the candles were for. Anyway, we played eye-spy, what rhymes with bored....?, had a rock-paper-scissors-tournament, and what's your favorite? Jaxson's favorite is hot-dog pizza, by the way. Does that even exist?


I was laying by the pool in my one-piece as I noticed that I was the ONLY person in the entire place that wasn't in a bikini. No matter the size or shape. EVERYONE wears a bikini. Very interesting.

Anyway, as I was sunbathing in my one-piece, the girl next to me, also in a bikini says "Oh, I am soooo hot," in perfect English. I think she meant her body temperature, not her state of being to males around her. :) Well, we struck up a conversation. She is 13 by the way. Guess where she is from? No, not Costa Rica. Well, originally. But she lives in St. Cloud, Florida. GET OUT!!!! I'm in the middle of no where in the Costa Rican rain forest and I meet a girl from St. Cloud who goes to Neptune Middle School. I spent many hours running that hill - the only hill in the entire town I might add, and she goes to the school next to the hill in my HOMETOWN. It was wild and I just kept thanking the Lord for bringing a piece of home to me right there in the middle of nowhere.

1 comment:

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

That's WILD! How fun. I love all the little critters in your pics. It DOES certainly look like paradise.

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