Friday, August 3, 2007

It's Not Working

This morning as we were walking and talking on the way to school, I asked the children what it takes to be a Christian.

Parker quickly said, "Laying down your life and asking Jesus to come into your heart and be the Lord of your life."


Ally looked up and said, "I've been wanting to talk to you about that."

"Do you remember when I asked Jesus in my heart? (She did this a few months ago). I don't think I did it right. It's not working because I am still making bad choices. I've had a hard time lately. I'm just not really getting it. I think I should be getting better and better and better."

Oh honey!!

"This is a big word for you, but it's called sancitification." I broke it down into pre-school verbage and explained that this is the process that God uses to change us and often times it is little by little and step by step. Each day we have to make the choice to follow Him and throughout her short life God is going to keep changing her to be more like Him.

Her brown eyes looked up at me and said, "That's really good news."

I think she was expecting to be perfect. "God's way does work," I assured her! :)

1 comment:

dao said...

God, bless this child's heart. would it be possible to know how Ally would share Jesus with a friend or cousin?

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