Friday, August 31, 2007

Update and prayer requests

Hi Friends! I'm home from surgery. It was last night and was quick and easy and so far the pain is limited. Of course, I am not walking or putting pressure on it. I will be in bed until Sunday or Monday. I can feel the effects of all of the prayers b/c this was a more invasive surgery than the last one, but yet my knee is much less swollen and so far it doesn't hurt as bad. The anesthesia was very mild so I am surprisingly alert.

I'll write details about my interesting cross-cultural experience later. A quick thought - surgery at 6 p.m. in Costa Rica means everyone arrives at 6 p.m. not that the surgery starts at that time.

I have some quick prayer requests:

Parker's schooling. We are meeting with his teacher on Wednesday to see if he is in the proper grade. (he's in first, but might need to be in second). We'll see what she says.

Our Empleada situation (a very long story) and that God will provide a new helper by Monday or Tuesday.

School starts on Tuesday so please pray I will be surprisingly functionable. I have full confidence in this.

For language school in general - that we will have awesome attitudes, alert minds and the time to do our homework and do it well.

Protection from spiritual warfare - we are definitely seeing it.

Thank you friends. I love and appreciate you all.

One more thing...if you would like to call me I would LOVE it since I am just laying around until Monday. It is like you are calling St. Cloud so it is not an international call and totally free if you are in St. Cloud 321-766-4043. CALL ME!


Stephen Jones said...

Praise the Lord! This is a tremendous answer to prayer. We will lift up these new requests you have shared. Try to enjoy these few days at home!

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Glad you're doing well! Definitely an answered prayer. I thought about you ALL DAY yesterday with your surgery and all. SO YEA! Enjoy your weekend. Would love to hear about Parker's schooling and the helper situation.

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