Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Our internet is up and running again! Awesome.

I started another post earlier and it got wiped out. I'm too pooped to write much, but just thought I would say we are up and running again.

This morning I found a picture of my dad and step-mom. When I pulled it out of its jacket b/c I wasn't sure what it was, I started crying. I had that same feeling of not being able to breathe that I had the day I said good-bye to him at the airport. I really miss them a lot. God is more than able to provide the comfort I need. I'm sure I will feel renewed in the morning.

Please pray for opportunities to share Christ. The language barrier makes it extremely difficult to truly make a difference. I was able to ask a taxi driver in broken Spanish if he believed in Jesus Christ. He said yes! At least I tried. A couple of times I have wanted to go deeper in conversation, but my vocabulary wouldn't let me. Oh, to speak in tongues would be great about now. Too bad I'm a Baptist!'s a joke. :)

I'm serious about the praying for the opportunities though. If you could also pray for us to continue to learn the language that would be great. Tengo ir dormir! Or is it, tengo que dormir? Who knows if that even makes sense, but it's suppose to say I have to go to sleep. 3 verbs in a row - ouch!


Katrina said...

What is the secret to being truly happy?

True happiness is found in giving to others. Many people wanted to lift Jesus up as king, but He simply said, "I did not come to be ministered unto, but to minister." A person who truly wants to be happy will find great joy in serving others.

Phillip Yancey, a journalist who interviews many sports and entertainment stars, finds that those with the highest profiles never seem to be happy. They're nearly always unfulfilled, self-doubting, and unhappy. But those who chose to give their lives to service had a depth and richness that Yancey envies. The doctors working with outcasts, the missionaries translating the Bible into new languages, and the relief workers who had left high-paying jobs for obscurity and service were the ones who found fulfillment and satisfaction in their lives. Some would argue that they were "wasting" their talents, but these people had discovered that true happiness is found not in getting what you want, but in giving to others what they need. -Dr.David Jeremiah

All of your blogs are a ministry to more people then you know. Not just the people in Costa Rica. Thank you for all of your honesty. For sharing your walk with me. You all are truly a gift from the Lord.

Grannie Rains said...

Welcome to Costa Rica!
you are in our prayers.

Where do you all live and who is your house keeper?
Love, Grannie Rains

Luke & Jess said...

Hi John, Jessica and Family!

I know how hard it is to be so far away from people that you miss! There is nothing to really do but to keep on missing them and know that you are not missing them in vain because God is going to use you guys in Peru in awesome ways! I hope you guys know that you are extrememly missed as well - I don't think I've gone to church once since you've been gone without hearing your names! I'm serious - so many are praying for you all and thinking about you. Many are excited about taking mission trips to help you all when you get to Peru.

Love you guys,

Luke & Jess Michael

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Glad you're back online. I went to Wycliffe today to the museum there and heard John 3:16 in the native language of Peru, which I'm not sure what that was. It didn't say Spanish, but maybe it was a dialect of Spanish? It was something I couldn't pronounce. Anyways, I thought of you FOR SURE! And they had this manican dressed up in Peruvian clothing and I just thought to myself, "I can't imagine Jess wearing that, like EVER!" Teehee...Maybe you can bring some American style to Peru!

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