Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I Miss You

Dad and Charlann, December can't get here fast enough. I miss you! I love you!

Kitty, you are one of a kind and I appreciate your role in my life. I miss you!

Zoey, you are the ultimate homemaker. I can't wait to see you in 3 years. I miss you!

Heidi K., life is not the same without our chats. You are a kindred spirit. I miss you!

Heather C., you are a hillarious dear and I love keeping up with you. I miss you!

Heidi E., your wonderful hospitality and deep conversations brightened my day. I miss you!

Aunt Kim, Saturdays were so much fun. You are a mom to me. I miss you!

Kathryn E., so many years ago God connected our hearts together. You are special. I miss you!

Helen Adams, I want to be like you when I grow up. I miss you!

Amy Buzbee, get back from Chicago soon so we can talk again. I miss you!

Pastor Steve and Shannon, our biggest supporters and awesome friends. I miss you!

Jeanne Bostick, my personal encouraging machine. God bless you! I miss you!

Mema, I need to hear your sweet voice and have some yummy brownies. I miss you!

Janey Neibor, whose going to disciple me now? You are such a truth speaker. I miss you!

Jennifer Thornton, Typhoon Lagoon and lazy Saturday afternoons and lots of running. I miss you!

Running Club, ugh.....Tuesdays and Thursdays are just not the same without you guys.

And to all of you that I didn't mention, I am thinking about you, too! Life is good here, but remember that we are here because of YOU and your role in our lives. Okay, and also because God called us here.

But I miss you all, with every beat that my heart takes I miss you. I love you!

If this were paper you would see my tears in the ink.


Texas Aggie in Florida said...

SHUT UP...I'm in your TOP 5???? Seriously? I feel so honored! And I won't brag how I'm above Helen and the Rymers...teeheehee. I love you tons and I miss you MEGA!

Justgottalaugh said...

I could see the tears on the computer screen. I miss you, too!!! Hold on to Jesus, my friend!!

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