Saturday, September 1, 2007

Bedridden and Blogging

The creative juices are definitely not flowing today, but I thought I might leave an update since the only other activities I can participate in right now are movies, books, and phone! All of which have lost there appeal. But you can still call!

I forgot to tell you what the surgeon said to John. The incision is only one inch and not 2-3. Praise God. My IT band was much wider than normal from inflammation. He said it had attached to the fibrous tissues around it so he cut it away from everything it had attached to. He also cut about 30% of the band to release it (thus, a lateral release) and then he perforated the bone (not sure which one) to bring lots of blood to that area to help with healing and inflammation. That basically means he put small small holes in it so that the blood supply will increase thus promoting healing. Usually the IT band area doesn't receive a lot of blood. Anyway, this perforation is what seems to be very painful, in my mind. The good doc told John he was very "optimistic" that this would help me return to normal functioning. I see him on Tuesday so I will be able to ask lots of questions then.

Anyway, my leg is hurting pretty good. Yesterday I felt like I could put some pressure on it and hobble at least to the bathroom. Not today! No pressure. Nada! I think the numbing stuff wore off and now I can feel everything. I am okay as long as I lay in bed and don't try to walk. It's hard to imagine that I will be walking without crutches this time next week given the sharpness of the pain that radiates up my leg when my toe touches the floor. But seriously, I am doing great and this is to be expected. I am enjoying all of the TLC from my family. The kids are all fighting over who is going to snuggle with me. You gotta love that.

They all had to go to "family" orientation this morning until 12:30 p.m. Ally told us this morning that a girl in her class said she was going to punch her. UGH! John is going to take care of that this morning as well. We have taught our kids to repay evil with kindness as the Bible says, so Ally promises her response was good. The whole story usually comes out when the situation is layed on the table. Ally is a very sweet girl. She can be bossy at times but she definitely wouldn't threaten to punch anyone.

Anyway, we found a new Empleada and she starts on Monday. I don't really feel comfortable sharing the other story in my blog, but let's just say that we loved the other one a lot in a spiritual and personality sense, but we had another area that we couldn't see eye to eye on and we all felt it was better if she found another family and if we moved on as well. She said we were very, very special and we feel the same about her. God confirmed to us and to her at the same time that we both needed to move on. We feel that God wants us to have this other Empleada, Louisa. The reason I say that is because originally I passed her up because of some major red flags. Turns out now that she is the ONLY Empleada left. So if we want some help then she is the one we have to hire. I prayed about it a lot yesterday and really felt that this is what God wants given the strange circumstances. We interviewed Louisa yesterday and although she doesn't have the strong spiritual aspect as the last lady, I think her work ethic and flexibility to help wherever is needed will be perfect for us. We are hoping she will soon be a part of our family.

Last but not least - on Thursday as I was meeting the new students from school I met a young man from Florida. He asked me what part of Florida I am from and I told him he had probably never heard of it. Well, he HAS heard of it because he is from the SAME town and graduated from the SAME high school as me and we went to the same church for many years. I am about 5 years older than him so our paths didn't cross much. His name is Heath Williams. Can you believe it? Someone from my hometown high school is in language school with me. And then, I met another family and they are from West Palm Beach, FL and I was telling them about the guy from St. Cloud. Guess what? This family lived in Kissimmee for 5 years and they are good friends with Stacey and Chan Kilgore who use to be youth pastor at my current church. What a small, small world. Once again, God is just reminding me that he will bring reminders of home wherever I am. :)

Okay - this is really the last thing. We are meeting with Parker's teacher on Wednesday after school to see if he is in the right grade. And Monday we are turning in our stuff for our student Visas. Please pray that both situation go smoothly.

If you made it through this entire blog then pat yourself on the back. Good for you and thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

I can so see you sitting there writing this with your leg propped up. I miss you and hope to get a moment to call you. Tara:o)

Maggie Josephsen said...

Wow! It's awesome that Heath Williams is there- I didn't know he was going on the mission field. :-) God provides in awesome ways, doesn't he!


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