I was thinking that my best friend's probably couldn't sleep last night trying to imagine what my hair looks like. So I figured I'd grant them a good night's rest. Here is my highlighting job - Costa
Rican Style.
I'm sure only
Steph, Heather and Kitty care....so this is for my girls. :)
ok -Cameron-it looks fabulous!! Thanks for sharing!! You would look gorgeous even if you shaved your head. (not that you should do that-just a sentimental thought) love ya!!!!
Mirror Mirror On the Wall...who's got the prettiest hair of all??? JESSICA JESSICA JESSICA! AWESOME! Looks great! The funny thing was last night I was thinking, "I hope she posts pics of her hair. I want to see what it looks like." Heeheee!
I agree with ansbaughmom. It's so nice to see your beautiful face and smile. I miss you, girl!!!
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