Sunday, September 30, 2007

God Likes High Heels

Five-year-olds say the cutest things - mostly unintentional, of course.

As we were walking to church this morning, Ally was wearing her church shoes that have a small square heal on the bottom of them. She loves to wear these shoes because they make her feel like a big girl. Although they definitely look like "little girl" shoes, she calls them her "high heels."

As the clippety-clop of her shoes made its way down the street, Ally looked up at me earnestly and said, "I think God likes high heals. You know why?"

"Why does God like high-heels, Ally?"

"Because they say "clippety-clop, clippety-clop."


"And when a donkey walks it says clippety-clop, clippety clop, too," she informed me proudly.

Wait, there's more!

"And Jesus rode in on a Donkey! So God likes high heels."

Amen, sweetie!

Now I have a good excuse to put on some high heels; because GOD likes them!

Kids are precious, aren't they?


Keith said...

My 3 yr. old grandaughter is spending the night with us and I can hear her talking and playing with some little toys in the other room. Yes..they are precious little ones.

Justgottalaugh said...

That is the cutest story. Thanks for sharing. I can just hear Ally saying that :)

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Totally logical! Isn't the logic of a preschooler so sweet and innocent? That's like Lexi saying God eats food...because the when she eats, the food has to go past her heart to get to her stomache and since He's in her heart, he must eat what she eats. WONDERFUL LOGIC! Love them!!!

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Totally logical! Isn't the logic of a preschooler so sweet and innocent? That's like Lexi saying God eats food...because when she eats, the food has to go past her heart to get to her stomache and since He's in her heart, he must eat what she eats. WONDERFUL LOGIC! Love them!!!

Mountain Momma said...

Love the sory... Sounda a lot lot Julia... She loves her shoes/heels!!

Jonatha said...

As if we needed another reason to wear heels! It seems like our powers of logic fade after childhood, I know I couldn't be nearly that creative! And by the way, your hair looks lovely, as always.

tales_from_the_crib said...

love it!
too cute!
got here from texas aggie in florida by way of becky's blog

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