Thursday, September 13, 2007

nothing special

When the weekend comes I promise you will get a real blog.

For now, tomorrow is Parker's birthday. He will be 7.

As always, I have to hit the books.

My knee is doing SOOOOO great! It is feeling better and better. The therapist said I could possibly run in 6 months. I cried. It's okay. I like my flubby belly now. Why risk losing it, right?

John is ridiculously smart. He can learn 60 words in 20 minutes and then apply them ALL the next day. I can learn 60 words in a month and apply 10 of them in my lifetime. This is very hard for me to see and experience.

More to come this weekend.

Please be praying for my friend's John and Jenny McClamb (fellow missionaries in language school). Their little baby boy, Elijah, will need a major surgery on July 21. He is now recovery from pneumonia. He is only 8 months old. God is giving them so much strength, but they need continued prayers as they walk through this in a new culture and language, while in language school and with 2 other babies - a 3 year old, Caleb, and a 2 year old, Lukie. Thanks for your prayers.

P.S. Thank you to all of my faithful readers and for all of your uplifting comments. It is such an encouragement.


Alison said...

Did you cry because you have to start running again? I cry thinking about running a marathon. Just kidding. Not about me crying but you crying :-)

Keep your chin up with the language thing. Try not to compare yourself to John too much (I know it's hard we're a bit competitive!) because we're all blessed in certain areas. It will all gel beautifully to accomplish the goals God has for you. Know that I am sooooo proud of you and impressed that you're even learning another language. I couldn't imagine taking that on right now. You Gators make me so darn proud!

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Okay so he can remember more words or whatever, but can he remember what the teacher wears from day to day or how many days it's been since the teacher wore that one specific outfit? See, we women remember the IMPORTANT stuff! I assure you that you can do MANY things John cannot. Because you're a woman! GIRL POWER! Get on witcha bad self. You're a rock star momma!

Phamilyof6 said...

Alison: LOL!
No, I cried because 6 months is such a long time away. But it is closer than never!

I appreciate your words of encouragement.

I'm glad your a proud Gator supporter. Can't wait to see what they do against Tennessee tomorrow!

Hope you are doing well. Miss ya....Thanks for keeping in touch.

Phamilyof6 said...

You are absolutely right. I can tell you EXACTLY what every teacher I have was wearing yesterday. Seriously! But ask me to remember the vocab words and then I have a problem. :) Thanks for helping me see the important things in life.


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