Just a semi toy right?
Take a closer look.

Look at that engine. She's a real beauty isn't she?

This semi is made entirely of lego pieces. Our little 7 year old genius, Parker, constructed this entire semi by himself with only legos, instructions and a few tears. Not bad, huh?
Parker is a bit hyperactive, but legos calm him down and help him to sit still and stay focused for long periods of time. The results are semi-spectacular!
I can't tell you how much I miss Parker and the other three. When I see pictures it doesn't make it any better either - and I miss you and John like crazy as well!
Have you heard anything about Destinee? Please let me know, until I hear something I will continue to pray.
Love you and miss you,
WOWSERS! Gotta future engineer on your hands looks like. You do know that Texas A&M's school of engineering is ranked like in the top 10 in the WORLD right? Future Aggie perhaps???? Heeheee.... Gotta throw in my aggie brainwashing wherever I can!
That is Awesome! What a brillant kid you have there mam. I hope Parker's doing well. I am going to show Caden the pic in the morning and I'm sure he will be wowed by it. Miss You All! Tara:o)
Way to go Parker!!!!
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