Friday, September 21, 2007

What does a rooster say?

Our third week of language school is over. Only 49 more to go, but whose counting?

In America, a dog says "woof, woof." In America, a rooster says, "Cock-a-doodle doo." Or at least WE think that's what they say.

In Costa Rica a dog says (in a very low almost squeaky voice) "wow, wow. wow, wow."

You know what I have to say about that - WOW! It sounds nothing like a dog to me!!

In Costa Rica, a rooster says "Kee, Keelee, kee. Kee Keelee kee." Seriously folks, pull your self off the floor, I'm NOT kidding.

When our teaching was making these noises, we were trying to contain the tears from our laughter. I'm sure it doesn't seem so funny in print, but why don't you practice these sounds that the animals make ONLY in Costa Rica and you might get some giggles.

I guess the nationals and the animals ALL speak in a different tongue. Who knew?? I'm glad to know you will be able to rest better tonight since I have shared some very important, must know facts.

1 comment:

Keith said...

I pray you all are doing well. Those 49 more weeks will seem like they flew by when you look back on them....looks a long way off now doesn't it? And...thank you so much for the info about CR roosters...WHO KNOWS when you might have to call one in its native language... :) Looking forward to seeing what is next..

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