Saturday, September 22, 2007

Destinee and Elijah: More Prayer Please

Friends! Today is a big day. 8 month old Elijah McClamb is having a major surgery to correct a birth defect in his abdomen. It's complicated to explain, so I'll just tell you what the doctor's are going to do. Currently, his intestines and organs are pushed up into one of his lungs only giving him 50% lung function which puts him at incredibly high rate for infection. Plus, he neds 100% on both lungs. The doctor's are going to push everything back down into it's proper place and suture it in place so that he will have 100% lung function. His diaphragm will then work normally! The risk for infection is always great in this kind of surgery. Please pray he will be infection free, complication free, that his parents will continue to be covered in the Lord's strength, grace and peace. Just pray for the overall day and for everyone involved. His parents, Jenny and John, covet your prayers and are so thankful! Your prayers ARE and WILL make a difference.

Okay - I got this e-mail from Destinee's mom this morning. Please see my post a few days ago so you can know what is going on with Destinee. Instead of re-typing the letter, because I have to leave the house right now, I will cut and paste the letter. Please, please, please continue to pray. You will see that part of this letter is very sad for 2 reasons: 1., because somebody else's child has to die so that Destinee might live and 2., because Donna has already lost one child 4-5 years ago. A little girl named Kendoll who was Destinee's age (11). This has got to be extremely challenging for Donna who is faced with losing another little girl. But we believe God is going to heal Destinee from this sickness and she is going to have an amazing life glorifying His name all the days. Please pray for the insurance company to have some sense. A lot of times they don't. Please continue to lift up Destinee and her entire family (parents are Donna and Laurin) of 7 brothers and sisters. Here is the letter:

"Dear Jessica: Laurin and I thank your family so much for putting her on your blog. We can't tell you all how much that means to us. God is so good. Destinee, from the stand point of the liver transplant team said, she is a candidate. Now we are waiting for our insurance to put it in black and white that they approve it before the hospital puts her on the list, which they said she'll go high up on the list. We asked what does that mean and the Dr. said could she could possibly get a transplant in a couple of weeks. She has to have a cadavers liver because she needs all the plumbing or pcv pipes. ( artery and veins) So that means that someone else's child has to pass away. My heart just aches for the other family so please pray for that families peace, too. Pray our father will wrap his arms around them. Our family has been in that position and our Lord carried us through it. Destinee's fever has broke and hopefully we are going home today. Kat and I are still training for the marathon. It's my stress reliever. I am dedicating one race to Destinee and the other in memory of Kendall. So I know with God's help I will finish. Love - your sister in Christ, Donna!"

Thank you dear friends!

1 comment:

johnmclamb said...

Thanks for praying for Elijah! He came thru surgery fine and we are continuing to pray that God will protect him from infection and that his pain will not be too great- they did have to go in between two of his ribs in order to do the operation.

Jessica- Thanks for asking people to pray for Elijah (and for the yummy dinner tonight too!).

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