Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Okay, I'm crossin' the picket line. I guess no one, except my BFF - STEFF, thought it was funny.
Anyway, I love blogging and I miss it. I do like your feedback too though! But it's NOT worth NOT blogging. A girl's gotta have some kind of outlet.

So I have like 3 hours of homework so I have to go. But here is a quick recap of the day.

1. Spanish is hard.

2. Parker starts 2nd grade tomorrow.

3. Spanish is hard.

4. I am trying to switch out of one of my classes.

5. Spanish is hard.

6. Our empleada is the best. The electricity was out for many hours today (like it is at least 2 times a week or more) and she couldn't cook. She saw my list on the fridge and headed to the store. How awesome is that?

7. Spanish is hard.

8. Please pray for my friend's John and Jenny McLamb. There 8 month old baby, Elijah, was put in the hospital tonight for pneumonia. :( I will keep you updated.

Homework is calling my name. I'm trying to ignore it but it keeps getting louder and louder.

Thanks for all the comments and prayers you faithful friends. We love and need you ALL very much.


Keith said...

Just one thing....is Spanish hard?

Phamilyof6 said...

It's not hard at all!

It's VERY hard! :)

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