1. John was asked if he would like to move to a higher level Spanish class since he is doing so well. What an honor for him. He declined b/c he loves his teacher and feels like he is moving fast enough.
2. Ally did her first real cart-wheel after practicing 24/7 for 4 days straight. John found a how-to video on the internet and she watched it over and over and finally twirled herself beautifully.
3. We have about 15 unanswered e-mails we need to respond to. Please forgive us. It's all we can do to keep up with school, the kids and the blog. When time allows we will respond.
4. Ally started crying at the table tonight. Totally random! She was talking about how much she misses Florida. I have been very careful not to let her hear me say this. Well, the tears started flowing. Shortly thereafter Jaxson started crying about how much he misses his "skateboard on a stick." Parker then started crying about how much he misses Gunner. And Avery, well she was crying because everyone else was crying. It was a beautiful mess. We were surprised that it took 9 weeks for the kids to finally breakdown. They cried for about 5 minutes and then all was well with the world again.
5. I stink at phonetics. Stink. I sound so gringo and no matter how hard I try it just doesn't get any better. Part of the problem is that I can't hear the mistake I am making. UGH! Anyway, this guy in my class told me that it was okay that I wasn't that great in phonetics because I am a "superstar" in conversation. Leave it to me to be able to do well at talking. Isn't that a girl's favorite thing?
6. God has TOTALLY been giving me a sound mind. If you know me well then you know my ability for short-term memory is not very good. It is amazing how quickly I am learning vocabulary words. It is not me, but TOTALLY God because normally my brain doesn't hold much!
7. Parker is getting A's & B's in school.
8. Jessica's leg is hurting again because she did push-ups like a doe-doe. Even after her PT told her not too. No more of that, that's for sure. No working out period! None! Nada.
9. Jessica is so glad to be married to John. He is such a nice guy and a very dedicated father, husband and child of God.
10. Our kids are so sweet and cute and cuddly and just overall precious. I'm not just saying that. They really are precious.
God is good. He is just so good and loving to us everyday. We are thankful for His sacrifice on the cross. We are thankful He brought us here and that He is not through with us yet. Not even close! We rejoice in His love.
Here is a picture of ALL of the IMB missionaries here at language school. Our friends took the picture and the reason we are in color is an inside joke. Sorry, you had to be there.

What a great group you have there! Tell Parker that Gunner misses him, too, and will call him back tonight :) We love you guys and miss you so much!!!!
I am attmepting to comment again...I have tried several times, but - hopefully I have figured it out!
I've got ya beat in the unanswered emails- mine stay steadily at about 20...I get 5 or so answered and then we get more! Which is in NO way a copmplaint...I love hearing from folks- but when can we possibly keep up?
It really is great reading about your life. I saw Parker in the hall today and told how FANTASTIC his lego semi was and his face LIT UP with a smile! He seems like such a sweet kid!
Get a good night sleep- I'm heading that way...
See you tomorrow!
Brooke :)
Fun times with Johnnie and Jo! Just two more:).
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