Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Urgent Prayer Needed

Written by Janey Neibor, posted by Jessica Pham for your prayers!

Destinee is the daughter of my friend, and a fellow runner, Donna Fields. John had the privilege of having Destinee in his Awana's Sparks class and she was truly the highlight of his week. She needs an ABSOLUTE miracle from the Lord. Despite this troubling time, she is still smiling and bringing glory to Jesus. She loves Him with all of her heart. I beckon you to get on your knees for her and her family. She has 7 brothers and sisters. Please pass this on to anyone in the world who you know will pray. I know we are in the midst of the Lord healing her. Thank you for joining us.

“He will cover you with His feathers; you will take refuge under His wings. His faithfulness will be a protective shield.” Psalms 91:4

Dear praying Friends:

Sunday night, my hometown church - First Baptist Church, St. Cloud, Fl. presented a Talent Show organized by the youth as a fund raiser for one of their own. Destinee Fields, a young middle school student (11 years old), is in dire need of a miracle. She was recently diagnosed as having a rare form of cancer in her liver and has already completed two rounds of chemotherapy. At the show, she was presented with a hand made comforter signed by members of the congregation to be used as encouragement and a visual representation of our hugs wrapping around her. After the show last night, she traveled a couple of hours to Gainesville to the hospital where she is to be evaluated by doctors to determine her eligibility for a liver transplant.

Because the Chemo has made her immune system suppressed, she is susceptible to all types of sicknesses. She had most of her tests done today, but around 4:00pm she spiked a 103 fever. They are giving her something for a very sore throat so that she will be able to eat. She will have to stay in the hospital for 3-5 days due to the fever. This evening she was wrapped in the comforter that was presented last night. Her family was comforted by her comforter tonight.

Pray for Destine this whole week:

  • Pray she will be able to complete the evaluations she needs to determine her eligibility for a liver transplant. She was to be tested M-W this week.
  • Pray this temperature will not prevent this evaluation, as the Doctors only meet once a month...which is this Thursday. Ask God to give the Doctors wisdom on the best way to treat this type of cancer, as it is rare in America.
  • The Doctors will meet on Thursday to determine if she is a good candidate for a transplant. Ask God to grant them His wisdom and if she is eligible, to provide a donor liver. It can be a part of a liver from a live person as the liver is an organ that regenerates itself.
  • Pray for a donor to be discovered.
  • Pray for Destinee to be able to fight this fever. She needs platelets to be able to build up her immune system.
  • Pray for God’s healing hand.
  • Pray for both her and her family to experience the unbelievable peace that is their’s through seeking God during this time.
  • Pray they will seek shelter under His wings.
  • Pray for the body of believers to consider how to meet their physical, emotional, spiritual and financial needs.

The Talent Show was greatly attended and was a huge success!

Thanks for your prayers. Your prayers make a difference.

“As long as we view prayer simply as a means of maintaining our own Christian lives, we will not fully understand what it is really supposed to be. But when we learn to regard it as the highest part of the work entrusted to us – the root and strength of all other work – we will see that there is nothing we need to study and practice more than the art of praying.” Andrew Murray

1 comment:

Justgottalaugh said...

Thanks jess for posting this. I sent it on to a lady who has an e-mail based prayer ministry. Please keep us posted. We are praying....

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