Tuesday, September 4, 2007


My brain is fried - literally.....I can't make a complete thought much less try to write a blog. I don't even know what language I speak anymore. Is it Spanish? English? Spanglish?

School was awesomely (i like making up my own words) intense! So much speaking. Lots of new friends.

I had a doctor's appointment after school so I came home, ate, studied for an hour, headed off to my appointment and spoke like 3 more hours of Spanish. The taxi drivers were getting a kick out of me practicing my alphabet and my new greetings with them. It does make for more fun than a silent ride. Since I can string some coherent sentences together I feel more obliged to at least try. My entire physical therapy session was in Spanish. Like I said, my brain is sizzlin'.

Just wanted to give a HUGE shout out to all of you fine friends who have prayed for my leg consistently. The doctor told me today that there is a 50/50 chance I might run again and if I do it won't be til like January or February. I was fine with that until I realized that is like 6 months away. Patience. I need patience. Anyway, Last week my chances of running again were at a zero, so I'll take 50/50. The doctor was also ASTOUNDED at how my leg looks. He could not believe that it is not swollen, it bends, it looks beautiful. I know it is from all of the prayers. Even the physical therapist was shocked that I had had surgery 5 days ago and was doing so well. Goodbye crutches! :)

John is sitting next to me reciting his vocabulary and it is stressing my brain out so I need to sign off and go crawl in bed with a good book or something. Besides, I told you I wasn't going to blog anyway. Goodnight!

1 comment:

Justgottalaugh said...

Thanks for giving me a piece of your sizzled brain today. It's so nice to be able to talk to you :)
Miss you!

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