Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hair, banana pudding and AOL!

I finally hooked up my AOL instant messenger again - let's jessicapham76

If you have an aol messenger account, please send me your name so I can add you to my buddy list. I also use skype a lot for chatting (johnpham777) and facebook (jessica pham).

I colored my hair light brown yesterday in an effort to get rid of the blonde highlights so my hair can just grow back natural. Pictures to come tomorrow. I like it - so far!

If I'm going to be an overseas missionary and want cook or bake, from scratch it will.

Had a craving for some banana pudding. They don't sell cool-whip here or vanilla pudding. So something that should or would take 15 minutes back home, took me over 2 hours with prep and waiting and such. I had to make the cool-whip from scratch and the vanilla pudding from scratch. Until today, I didn't even know that could be done. Let's you know how strong my craving was (NO...I'm not pregnant so don't bombard my comments with that question). My friend Pam helped me make it and we had a great time. I took a picture and I will post the vanilla pudding recipe tomorrow (yummy). And if you want to make your own cool-whip I can post that too.

Love to you all!

One more thing....when I use to go to Publix in Florida getting Sushi was a special treat and now when I go to HiperMas (think wal-mart, but definitely not wal-mart) getting TAMALES are a special treat! My how I've changed!


Mountain Momma said...

I can't wait to see pictures of the hair! I would love to see the recipes... I make whip cream all the time just using heavy cream, sugar and vanilla. Whip it up until fluffy... So, yummy!!I am just putting together a new recipe blog check it out....
If you have any cool recipes email them to me...

Justgottalaugh said...

OK, am I reading this right? YOU MADE BANANA PUDDING AND COOL WHIP FROM SCRATCH?!?! I'm in shock. I, too, did not know this was possible! Way to go!

kathryn evans said...

Wow...your kids will grow up knowing that not all foods come out of boxes! :) I have had to start making some things from scratch to control the dairy products. The kids definitely enjoy the process more.

Ansbaughmom said...

Cant wait to see those recipes and that hair!!

Jonatha said...

I'd love the cool whip recipe - I've been wanting to make some. I am on the same path with my hair. I like having the brown so far... Much less maintenance! By the way - my aol is sullivanrd - I hope to chat with you!

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