Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Hair today and gone tomorrow.......
This post is for my girlfriends.
Another HAIRCUT! For before pictures of my hair, see yesterday's blog! I just could NOT get use to the layers and darker hair. It's just not me! Next time I say I'm going to go back to my roots, please remind me off how much I DON'T like myself with darker hair. So, off with the layers and back to the blonde. I got my hair cut and highlighted for $24 dollars. NO JOKE!! She did a great job! I asked her to cut the back a bit shorter so that it would angle towards my face. It doesn't angle as much as I had hoped, but it's a start. I feel much more like myself again! I am pleased! She did cut my bangs a bit to short, so I pinned them under my hair. I kind of like this look! It's different than how I normally wear my bangs. Change is good!
I learned today that just because something is done differently than the way I am use to it being done (highlighting for example), doesn't mean it is being done wrong. If the end result is the same, then that is all that matters.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Important People in My Life
These are just a few of the important people in my life here in Costa Rica, but certainly not all of them. I am going to try to capture everyone (little by little). Today was the last day of this trimester and I thought I would take advantage and snaps some pictures so you could get an even better peek into our life.
Keely, Marianela and I. Marianela (in the middle ) was my conversation teacher. We had an awesome trimester talking together. And Keeley is a very sweet friend and classmate. I appreciate her love for the Lord and her honesty with me about my perfectionism problems. This picture was taken in our "lunchroom" aka terazo.
Sheila Dudney has been an AMAZING blessing to me life. She has unofficially mentored and counseled me. And I can't imagine getting through this year without her. She is a missionary here in Costa Rica and a woman who values being a wife, mother and servant of the Lord.
Sweet, fun and always smiling Jenny McLamb. I love being around Jenny. I just feed off of her energy and good attitude. She is truly a gem and has blessed me tremendously. She is the mother of the three cute blondies (Caleb, Luke and Elijah) that I talk about sometimes.
Here is ONE of my language partners - Ruth. She speaks no English and we converse together 2 hours a week (thanks to Rains for introducing us). She is a very Godly woman and has helped me immensely in my conversation skills.
Another Picture of ruth! She is originally from Columbia!
THE most AMAZING grammar teacher in the world - Alejandra Rodriguez. I couldn't think of one negative thing about this woman if I tried. She taught us so much and really challenged us this trimester. I know my Spanish has improved immensly because of her teaching skills.
These are the folks (minus 1 student, Marty) who I spend 2 hours a day with 5 days a week learning grammar. We had a very easy-going, fun class and I truly enjoyed being with these awesome Brothers and Sisters and Christ. It was kind of sad today as our class dismissed, knowing that we won't be together again!

A shot of one of our IMB missionaries, Brenda, saying good-bye today. She is heading off to work with the def in Columbia. She and her husband are fluent in sign. They have learned Spanish and now have to learn sign-language the way it is done in Central America. Also, this is the capilla (chapel) where we have chapel 2 days a week. Chapel consists of worship and preaching.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Estoy Embotada!
Tomorrow is our last day of school for tomorrow and my mind is full or dull. Estoy embotada means I can't think anymore. I am dull! I am weak. I am tired! At least that is what our teacher told us when we were trying to tell her we couldn’t learn anymore because our minds are full.
We have a 2-week break and will start our third and FINAL trimester in 2 weeks. Can you hear the shouts from Costa Rica? We have 2 friends coming and are going to enjoy every moment with them.
On a totally different note, agua de arroz con canela (rice water with cinnamon) is the PERFECT concoction for an upset stomach. I didn't really believe it until my neighbor made me some for a terrible upset belly. Within an hour, I was as good as new. So I guess it works because I suffered for several hours before I drank this stuff. Let me know if you want the recipe! It's a natural remedy for a common problem.
WOOHOOOO!!! No more school for almost 2 weeks!!!!
We have a 2-week break and will start our third and FINAL trimester in 2 weeks. Can you hear the shouts from Costa Rica? We have 2 friends coming and are going to enjoy every moment with them.
On a totally different note, agua de arroz con canela (rice water with cinnamon) is the PERFECT concoction for an upset stomach. I didn't really believe it until my neighbor made me some for a terrible upset belly. Within an hour, I was as good as new. So I guess it works because I suffered for several hours before I drank this stuff. Let me know if you want the recipe! It's a natural remedy for a common problem.
WOOHOOOO!!! No more school for almost 2 weeks!!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Amazing Testimony!!!!
John wrote:
These are videos about an amazing man for Jesus, named Nick Vujicic. This is honestly one of the most impactful testimonies I have ever heard. These are a must see!! Hope you are blessed.
These are videos about an amazing man for Jesus, named Nick Vujicic. This is honestly one of the most impactful testimonies I have ever heard. These are a must see!! Hope you are blessed.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Pamela's Story
My friend Pamela, a missionary in Mexico, has a story that she shared on her blog that I would like to share with you (with her permission, of course). Her attitude during these times of hardship was incredible. Pamela has 5 awesome children. Check out her story and her blog. You will be blessed. Start with My Hannah is 12:
Thank you, Pam, for giving us a glimpse into your life, your heart and God's miracles and mercies.
Thank you, Pam, for giving us a glimpse into your life, your heart and God's miracles and mercies.
Very Pleased!
John Wrote:
Jessica and I checked our e-mail together during break at school today to see if we received our OPI results (language evaluations). We need to be at an Advanced Low by the time we depart from Costa Rica. Thank you for your prayers. We were both VERY happy when we opened our e-mail today.
I received an Advanced Low Strong which means I am on the cuff of Advanced Medium.
Jessica received an an Intermediate High Strong which means she is on the cuff of Advanced Low. Her teacher told her that means she has one foot in Advanced low, but isn't quite there yet. I am so proud of her! She really worked hard this trimester and moved from an intermediate low to her current language ranking.
Thank you for your prayers today! We are going to enjoy the next 2 weeks off from school (starting next Monday) and then we are going to hop back on the saddle to finish strong.
Jessica and I checked our e-mail together during break at school today to see if we received our OPI results (language evaluations). We need to be at an Advanced Low by the time we depart from Costa Rica. Thank you for your prayers. We were both VERY happy when we opened our e-mail today.
I received an Advanced Low Strong which means I am on the cuff of Advanced Medium.
Jessica received an an Intermediate High Strong which means she is on the cuff of Advanced Low. Her teacher told her that means she has one foot in Advanced low, but isn't quite there yet. I am so proud of her! She really worked hard this trimester and moved from an intermediate low to her current language ranking.
Thank you for your prayers today! We are going to enjoy the next 2 weeks off from school (starting next Monday) and then we are going to hop back on the saddle to finish strong.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
My Jesus, My Savior - American Idol night 2
Check this out! American Idol re-ran the song the second night with the name of JESUS!!! WOW!!! How amazing is that? How amazing is God? Now that makes me soooooooo happy. To see the name of Jesus glorified to millions of people across America is truly a miracle.
Enjoy!!! Good job American Idol. This is good stuff.
Enjoy!!! Good job American Idol. This is good stuff.
Tomorrow is the Day
John wrote:
Firstly, we have have just added an option to receive an e-mail version of our posts everytime we update. If you are interested, the link is at the bottom of our sidebar, just above the counter. Pretty cool.
Two weeks ago we took our OPI's (oral proficiency interviews). As you recall, we work all trimester to be able to excel at these interviews. They are a big deal around here. So tomorrow we will receive our OPI results. Jessica has worked super-duper hard this trimester. I am so proud of her. She even meets everday during our break at school to talk to nationals to improve her conversational abilities. She is hoping for a jump from the Intermediate-Low that she received the first trimester (which she was quite disappointed with), to Intermediate-High this time. All of her teachers think she is at that level. But the reality is that, regardless of the rating Jessica gets, she is using her Spanish to lead a Bible study every week, disciple a new believer, and lead a lady to the Lord. So her Spanish is already being used by Our Lord. Please pray that we will be content with whatever level we receive.
Firstly, we have have just added an option to receive an e-mail version of our posts everytime we update. If you are interested, the link is at the bottom of our sidebar, just above the counter. Pretty cool.
Two weeks ago we took our OPI's (oral proficiency interviews). As you recall, we work all trimester to be able to excel at these interviews. They are a big deal around here. So tomorrow we will receive our OPI results. Jessica has worked super-duper hard this trimester. I am so proud of her. She even meets everday during our break at school to talk to nationals to improve her conversational abilities. She is hoping for a jump from the Intermediate-Low that she received the first trimester (which she was quite disappointed with), to Intermediate-High this time. All of her teachers think she is at that level. But the reality is that, regardless of the rating Jessica gets, she is using her Spanish to lead a Bible study every week, disciple a new believer, and lead a lady to the Lord. So her Spanish is already being used by Our Lord. Please pray that we will be content with whatever level we receive.
Who will pray for our missionary kids?
Tonight we had an IMB going away party (pictures to come) and I took a picture of most of the missionary kids that are here with the IMB right now. Will you please pray for these little ones? They will spend a majority of their lives living in transition, in a culture that is not their own and away from their immediate family (except for mom and dad), but they will become the most unique people we will ever meet. And I am certain that God has amazing plans for them as they grow older and seek to serve Him. Spiritual warfare is very real for missionary kids and they desperately need your prayer support. Will you commit to praying for this group of very special and "called" little people? Your prayers will make all the difference in their lives.
Retraction and New Swimsuits
In last night's post I wrote that “for me to agree with American Idol I would be an enemy of the cross.” Today, when I re-read my post I realized how that came across (like if you don't agree then you are an enemy of the cross). OUCH! Not true and not what I meant to say. So I deleted that from my post, which was not meant to offend (in case it did). My post was meant to inspire thinking and generate discussion. However, I am young and God is still working on me about not being so blunt and how to temper my words. Thanks for your love and patience with me.
On other news, yesterday I went to Pequeno Mundo and right away Ally recognized the store was called "Small World" in English. It was cool to see she is learning Spanish well. Anyway, I had been looking for some modest swimsuits for the girls, but couldn't find anything. I even went online to look at specialty modest swimsuits about a month ago, but when I saw the styles and the $50 price tag attached to the suit, I had to say no thanks. But yesterday, I was blessed with finding these adorably cute suits for like $5 a piece. The virtue of modesty is something we have taught our children since they learned to walk and Ally especially goes out of her way to make sure her clothes are appropriate. So she was happy too when we found these suits. And Avery, being only 2, is just happy to have anything new and purple. I am going to go back and buy all the sizes they have that are bigger than my girls so we will have some for a few years.
Jaxson was with me and he insisted on having a swim shirt, too and we found a cute one that matched the swim trunks he already had. And of course, they just had to play in the sprinkler today even though it’s cloudy and a bit chilly outside because they were looking for an opportunity to wear there new suits.
On other news, yesterday I went to Pequeno Mundo and right away Ally recognized the store was called "Small World" in English. It was cool to see she is learning Spanish well. Anyway, I had been looking for some modest swimsuits for the girls, but couldn't find anything. I even went online to look at specialty modest swimsuits about a month ago, but when I saw the styles and the $50 price tag attached to the suit, I had to say no thanks. But yesterday, I was blessed with finding these adorably cute suits for like $5 a piece. The virtue of modesty is something we have taught our children since they learned to walk and Ally especially goes out of her way to make sure her clothes are appropriate. So she was happy too when we found these suits. And Avery, being only 2, is just happy to have anything new and purple. I am going to go back and buy all the sizes they have that are bigger than my girls so we will have some for a few years.
Jaxson was with me and he insisted on having a swim shirt, too and we found a cute one that matched the swim trunks he already had. And of course, they just had to play in the sprinkler today even though it’s cloudy and a bit chilly outside because they were looking for an opportunity to wear there new suits.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Jesus or Allah
John wrote:
I have been reading all of the comments about the American Idol performance of “Shout to the Lord,” and the whole thing has made me think a lot. It could be said that, even though they replaced the name of “Jesus” for the word “shepherd”, it was still great that they sang a song that glorified God with millions of people watching. But my question is, “What God were they praising?” Sure, as Christians we know the song, and know that the song is about Jesus, and know that the name Jesus was really at the beginning of the song, and the song is a Christian song. But how about non-Christians? How about Muslims or Buddhists or Hindus or Jews or Wickens? They believe they have a Shepard, Savior, Shelter, Tower of Strength, whom they worship. What if I was a Muslim sitting in front of my T.V. and heard the song in my heart as, “My Allah, my savior, Lord there is none like you. All of my days, I want to praise the wonders of your mighty love?” Or maybe, “My Buddha, my Savior?”
Here’s an example. What if next week American Idol, because of the huge response from “Shout to the Lord,” decided to do another encore song –
How great the wonders of the heavens
And the timeless beauty of the night
How great -- then how great the creator?
And its star like priceless jewels far beyond the reach of kings
Bow down for the shepherd guiding him home
How great the beauty of the Earth and the creatures who dwell on it
How great -- then how great the creator?
As it's mountains pierce the clouds high about the lives of men
Weeping rivers for thousands of years
How great the works of man and the things he makes
How great -- then how great the creator?
Though he strives to reach the heavens he can barely survive
The wars of the world he lives in
Or what if they sang this song?
The Lord made the oceans
Rivers, lakes, streams and rain
Bow their waves in pure submission
Upon the earth to praise his name
There is no creature among us
Upon the air or in the sea
That does no sing with wonder
Praising in community
The dry earth is a sign
To all of mankind
Brought to life with peaceful rain
And to us the Lord will do the same
He was a guide for all people
And the mercy to the universe
He was a guide for all people
God's peace and blessings on him
He was a seal of the prophet
The last brick in the house of prophethood
He was the last of the prophets
God's peace and blessings on him
He was a striver against evil
And he fought and he won
To give rights to all people
God's peace and blessings on him
These are both beautiful songs apparently about a God and Jesus. And if these songs were sung on American Idol, many Christians would clap for joy, because God was glorified. But what they would not realize is, both songs were written by a Muslim songwriter, Yusuf Islam (formerly known as the popular artist Cat Stevens), in worship of Allah. I made no modifications to the first song, at all. And in the second song I inserted the word “Lord” in the first line to read “The Lord (Al Khaaliq) made the oceans” and in the twelfth line to read “And to us the Lord (Allah) will do the same.” You can see in parentheses what the original “lord” was meant to refer to.
So what’s my point? I was thinking that if we as Christians think that any reference to God or Lord will have the nations running to the feet of Jesus, we are, I venture to say, arrogant, but at the very least naïve. Yes the world is looking for a savior, shepherd, comfort, lord and God. And so many people think that there are many ways to God. Just watch our video clip we posted earlier this month about the “Church of Oprah.” But the reality is many, millions are running to false gods, and they will never find Jesus. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and in the United States. We read the other day, that the Vatican issued a statement that Islam has surpassed Roman Catholicism as the world’s largest religion. Correct or not, even the Vatican recognizes that it is naïve to think that when people run looking for a god, it is always the God of our Savior Jesus Christ. And as we are learning here, many people even believe in the same God we believe in, but they deny the work of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
So to me God was not glorified by the performance on American Idol. Do we really believe that He was pleased that the name of His son Jesus was taken out of the song? Do we really believe that God was pleased, after all Jesus suffered and bore for us before and on the cross, that His name was removed from the song – or removed from anything. Absolutely not!! To me, it is a slap in the face of my Savior Jesus Christ.
So if I am here in Latin America and other missionaries around the world are walking around just sharing about God, we need to just pack up and go home. Because we are in the world to preach the good news of Jesus Christ the Risen Savior. More, on this specifically, later.
I have been reading all of the comments about the American Idol performance of “Shout to the Lord,” and the whole thing has made me think a lot. It could be said that, even though they replaced the name of “Jesus” for the word “shepherd”, it was still great that they sang a song that glorified God with millions of people watching. But my question is, “What God were they praising?” Sure, as Christians we know the song, and know that the song is about Jesus, and know that the name Jesus was really at the beginning of the song, and the song is a Christian song. But how about non-Christians? How about Muslims or Buddhists or Hindus or Jews or Wickens? They believe they have a Shepard, Savior, Shelter, Tower of Strength, whom they worship. What if I was a Muslim sitting in front of my T.V. and heard the song in my heart as, “My Allah, my savior, Lord there is none like you. All of my days, I want to praise the wonders of your mighty love?” Or maybe, “My Buddha, my Savior?”
Here’s an example. What if next week American Idol, because of the huge response from “Shout to the Lord,” decided to do another encore song –
How great the wonders of the heavens
And the timeless beauty of the night
How great -- then how great the creator?
And its star like priceless jewels far beyond the reach of kings
Bow down for the shepherd guiding him home
How great the beauty of the Earth and the creatures who dwell on it
How great -- then how great the creator?
As it's mountains pierce the clouds high about the lives of men
Weeping rivers for thousands of years
How great the works of man and the things he makes
How great -- then how great the creator?
Though he strives to reach the heavens he can barely survive
The wars of the world he lives in
Or what if they sang this song?
The Lord made the oceans
Rivers, lakes, streams and rain
Bow their waves in pure submission
Upon the earth to praise his name
There is no creature among us
Upon the air or in the sea
That does no sing with wonder
Praising in community
The dry earth is a sign
To all of mankind
Brought to life with peaceful rain
And to us the Lord will do the same
He was a guide for all people
And the mercy to the universe
He was a guide for all people
God's peace and blessings on him
He was a seal of the prophet
The last brick in the house of prophethood
He was the last of the prophets
God's peace and blessings on him
He was a striver against evil
And he fought and he won
To give rights to all people
God's peace and blessings on him
These are both beautiful songs apparently about a God and Jesus. And if these songs were sung on American Idol, many Christians would clap for joy, because God was glorified. But what they would not realize is, both songs were written by a Muslim songwriter, Yusuf Islam (formerly known as the popular artist Cat Stevens), in worship of Allah. I made no modifications to the first song, at all. And in the second song I inserted the word “Lord” in the first line to read “The Lord (Al Khaaliq) made the oceans” and in the twelfth line to read “And to us the Lord (Allah) will do the same.” You can see in parentheses what the original “lord” was meant to refer to.
So what’s my point? I was thinking that if we as Christians think that any reference to God or Lord will have the nations running to the feet of Jesus, we are, I venture to say, arrogant, but at the very least naïve. Yes the world is looking for a savior, shepherd, comfort, lord and God. And so many people think that there are many ways to God. Just watch our video clip we posted earlier this month about the “Church of Oprah.” But the reality is many, millions are running to false gods, and they will never find Jesus. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and in the United States. We read the other day, that the Vatican issued a statement that Islam has surpassed Roman Catholicism as the world’s largest religion. Correct or not, even the Vatican recognizes that it is naïve to think that when people run looking for a god, it is always the God of our Savior Jesus Christ. And as we are learning here, many people even believe in the same God we believe in, but they deny the work of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
So to me God was not glorified by the performance on American Idol. Do we really believe that He was pleased that the name of His son Jesus was taken out of the song? Do we really believe that God was pleased, after all Jesus suffered and bore for us before and on the cross, that His name was removed from the song – or removed from anything. Absolutely not!! To me, it is a slap in the face of my Savior Jesus Christ.
So if I am here in Latin America and other missionaries around the world are walking around just sharing about God, we need to just pack up and go home. Because we are in the world to preach the good news of Jesus Christ the Risen Savior. More, on this specifically, later.
Jessica's American Idol Opinion
If you see my post from Thursday, you will see all the comments that were generated. Very great, thought provoking comments. And I would still like to receive yours as well. So, here is what I think: these are my personal thoughts and opinions and they are not directed towards anyone at all. I just love Jesus very much and feel very strongly about His name. So, after much thought and is what I think about the performance on American Idol.....
Our God is a jealous God (although Oprah doesn’t like that fact) and He desires for His Son’s name to be proclaimed throughout all the nations. He does not want any other false god to have glory or honor. Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life and we can’t find God any other way except through Him (John 14:6). That is a tough teaching – one that led Jesus to the cross. The world still grapples with this today and is offended by the very name of Jesus. Although the name Shepherd was “a” name of Jesus, His name was still Jesus. A man named Shepherd, a man named The Word of Life or a man named the Messiah does not save us. A man named Jesus saves us!
Jesus was named prophetically. Matthew 1:21 says, "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.'
Obviously, the name of Christ is and was very important and I think to delete his name in song that is about His name is absurd. I will not judge their motives or their hearts. All I know is that in my heart, the true Creator God was not worshipped during that American Idol telecast because His desire is that ALL people would know Him. And to know Him is to know Jesus. Romans 10:9 “If you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and confess with your mouth that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved.” There is no other way to the Lord except through Jesus. This is why Christians are persecuted and labeled as narrow-minded and judgmental. This is why our Savior, our Shepherd died!!! No one liked His narrow-minded; I’m the only way to God, philosophies. We, as followers of Christ, have to adopt a “narrow-minded” Christian Worldview and not a “worldly, humanistic” world-view. And many times this means going against what everyone else feels is correct. That is how Jesus lived His life. That is why Jesus was slain.
The Bible has an answer for everything. And the answers go way beyond my feelings. I always want my worldview to line up with scripture says. The apostle Paul summed it up best when he said, “Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.”
So, I choose to dislike what American Idol did. It is Jesus who saved me. It is Jesus who redeemed me and it is Jesus whom I worship. And it is under the name of Jesus that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess. And I’m glad that He is not just a Shepard, but He is a Savior and I don’t for one second want to hide His name. Nor do I want to support or join forces with American Idol who “pretends” to be worshipping the Creator God, while leaving out the almighty name that saves us.
Praise and Honor and Glory to Jesus Christ FOREVER and EVER!!!!
Our God is a jealous God (although Oprah doesn’t like that fact) and He desires for His Son’s name to be proclaimed throughout all the nations. He does not want any other false god to have glory or honor. Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life and we can’t find God any other way except through Him (John 14:6). That is a tough teaching – one that led Jesus to the cross. The world still grapples with this today and is offended by the very name of Jesus. Although the name Shepherd was “a” name of Jesus, His name was still Jesus. A man named Shepherd, a man named The Word of Life or a man named the Messiah does not save us. A man named Jesus saves us!
Jesus was named prophetically. Matthew 1:21 says, "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.'
Obviously, the name of Christ is and was very important and I think to delete his name in song that is about His name is absurd. I will not judge their motives or their hearts. All I know is that in my heart, the true Creator God was not worshipped during that American Idol telecast because His desire is that ALL people would know Him. And to know Him is to know Jesus. Romans 10:9 “If you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and confess with your mouth that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved.” There is no other way to the Lord except through Jesus. This is why Christians are persecuted and labeled as narrow-minded and judgmental. This is why our Savior, our Shepherd died!!! No one liked His narrow-minded; I’m the only way to God, philosophies. We, as followers of Christ, have to adopt a “narrow-minded” Christian Worldview and not a “worldly, humanistic” world-view. And many times this means going against what everyone else feels is correct. That is how Jesus lived His life. That is why Jesus was slain.
The Bible has an answer for everything. And the answers go way beyond my feelings. I always want my worldview to line up with scripture says. The apostle Paul summed it up best when he said, “Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.”
So, I choose to dislike what American Idol did. It is Jesus who saved me. It is Jesus who redeemed me and it is Jesus whom I worship. And it is under the name of Jesus that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess. And I’m glad that He is not just a Shepard, but He is a Savior and I don’t for one second want to hide His name. Nor do I want to support or join forces with American Idol who “pretends” to be worshipping the Creator God, while leaving out the almighty name that saves us.
Praise and Honor and Glory to Jesus Christ FOREVER and EVER!!!!
NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!
Tonight we had some dear friends over for dinner. Some friends we met last May in training in Virginia and we have been with them and their three precious boys for a year now. As we were saying goodbye tonight, it occured to me that in 3 months, 3 weeks and 5 days we are going to have to say goodbye AGAIN!!! Last year, the thought of leaving home, family and friends could bring me to tears in seconds and I had a yucky knot in my stomache for 6 months leading up to it; a sense of expectant dread.
Tonight, as I hugged my dear friends neck and told her boys how much I loved them (and I truly, truly do), the realization that another painful goodbye is right around the corner shot through my heart. I decided last year that I never wanted to go through that again, but yet here it is once again looming over us without us even having a say-so in the matter. And we will also be leaving our friends at school and the friends our children have come to love so much. These people have become our family. We celebrate birthdays, holidays, sad days and victories in life together. I could pour my heart out for pages about how hard it is to say good-bye to those you love - old friends and new friends. Once God knits your hearts together it is impossible to stop loving them or stop caring. So, although we are thrilled to be living in Peru in just a few short months, the goodbyes are going to have to start all over again. And that stinks! And that hurts!Because soon we will all be dispersed throughout Central and South America doing the work the Lord has called to us. It is beautifully sad.
Tonight, as I hugged my dear friends neck and told her boys how much I loved them (and I truly, truly do), the realization that another painful goodbye is right around the corner shot through my heart. I decided last year that I never wanted to go through that again, but yet here it is once again looming over us without us even having a say-so in the matter. And we will also be leaving our friends at school and the friends our children have come to love so much. These people have become our family. We celebrate birthdays, holidays, sad days and victories in life together. I could pour my heart out for pages about how hard it is to say good-bye to those you love - old friends and new friends. Once God knits your hearts together it is impossible to stop loving them or stop caring. So, although we are thrilled to be living in Peru in just a few short months, the goodbyes are going to have to start all over again. And that stinks! And that hurts!Because soon we will all be dispersed throughout Central and South America doing the work the Lord has called to us. It is beautifully sad.
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Truth About Our Language.......
Today John had to handle a somewhat complicated situation in Spanish. There was a group of us (like 7 of us from language school) and John was unofficially elected to find out the information we needed. When he went to talk to the people, in Spanish of course, they immediately called for a Costa Rican National (Tico) who speaks English to talk to John!!!!! Of course, we were laughing our heads off and joking about how he threw out the word distinguir at them and still wasn't understood. Who knows if it was because they couldn't understand them or because it's just much easier to find an English Speaker. But John persevered and continued to only Speak Spanish and she changed her English to Spanish as well. We got the answers we needed (we hope) and got a good chuckle out of the situation. So, it might seem to you guys in America that we are flying in our Spanish and that we are great Spanish Speakers, but to the Ticos we still have a llllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg way to go. When they stop calling for an English speaker, we will know we have arrived. Oh for that day to come!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
5 things I love about Missionary Life + 1
1. No house payment!! Wooooooohooooooo....I could do cartwheels over this one. Thanks IMB and Lottie Moon!
2. Living a much more simplified life than what we lived in the states. 650 square feet, no car and a very tight budget will do that to you. But it has been nothing short of a blessing.
3. On that same note, the lack of materialism. I just bought my first shirt in almost a year. WOW! And it's not even a pretty shirt, but people at school were so glad to see me in something new that I got lots of compliments. And then John had to go and say it looked like something my mom would wear. :)
4. Seeing people accept the life-changing gift of salvation that only comes from Christ. And then watching them grow. I can't express the feeling this evokes! It's indescribable. And having the opportunity to do this full-time makes it even better.
5. Knowing we are doing exactly what God has called us to do with no, if's and's or buts....we know EXACTLY that this is what we are suppose to be doing with our lives.
6. Our full-time Empleada. I haven't purchased a shirt in a year, but I also haven't washed one either. Hehehee....makes you want to be a missionary, huh?
2. Living a much more simplified life than what we lived in the states. 650 square feet, no car and a very tight budget will do that to you. But it has been nothing short of a blessing.
3. On that same note, the lack of materialism. I just bought my first shirt in almost a year. WOW! And it's not even a pretty shirt, but people at school were so glad to see me in something new that I got lots of compliments. And then John had to go and say it looked like something my mom would wear. :)
4. Seeing people accept the life-changing gift of salvation that only comes from Christ. And then watching them grow. I can't express the feeling this evokes! It's indescribable. And having the opportunity to do this full-time makes it even better.
5. Knowing we are doing exactly what God has called us to do with no, if's and's or buts....we know EXACTLY that this is what we are suppose to be doing with our lives.
6. Our full-time Empleada. I haven't purchased a shirt in a year, but I also haven't washed one either. Hehehee....makes you want to be a missionary, huh?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
American Idol and Crest Whitening Strips
Sooooo interesting....
Don't watch much television and there is no American Idol here in Costa Rica, so I have NO idea who these people are, but check out what they are singing. Yes, I noticed they changed the name of Jesus to "shephard." View this and let me know what you think. I really want your comments on this one. I think they will be diverse. I'll give you mine later.
Also, here is more proof that Crest Whitening strips DON'T work: I met with Blanca (the lady we are discipling in Spanish). My friend couldn't make it so it was just me and Blanca and the big bad Spanish language staring me down. AAAAHHHHH! I was very nervous. Pam had asked us to learn a memory verse and, of course, I waited until tonight to memorize it. This is what it says, "Clama a mi y te respondere' y te dare' cosas grandes y ocultas que tu no sabes. " Jeremias 33:3 Translation: Cry out to me and I will respond to you and I will give you big things and concealed things you do not know (unimaginable)." So as I was trying to memorize this verse and I was so scared to meet with this lady and my bad Spanish, God just reminded me to cry out to Him and watch him do things unimaginable. Once again, He led the night and gave me the strength I needed to plow through this time of discipling. At times my Spanish was hideous, and at times I knew the words were coming directly from Him. This was a learning experience for me - my first time discipling someone in Spanish ALONE, and also a time for me to put the verse I am learning into practice. I will continue to call out to Him tomorrow as I head to the restoration house for a study I am not completely ready for. But no worries, God is ready! :)
Don't watch much television and there is no American Idol here in Costa Rica, so I have NO idea who these people are, but check out what they are singing. Yes, I noticed they changed the name of Jesus to "shephard." View this and let me know what you think. I really want your comments on this one. I think they will be diverse. I'll give you mine later.
Also, here is more proof that Crest Whitening strips DON'T work: I met with Blanca (the lady we are discipling in Spanish). My friend couldn't make it so it was just me and Blanca and the big bad Spanish language staring me down. AAAAHHHHH! I was very nervous. Pam had asked us to learn a memory verse and, of course, I waited until tonight to memorize it. This is what it says, "Clama a mi y te respondere' y te dare' cosas grandes y ocultas que tu no sabes. " Jeremias 33:3 Translation: Cry out to me and I will respond to you and I will give you big things and concealed things you do not know (unimaginable)." So as I was trying to memorize this verse and I was so scared to meet with this lady and my bad Spanish, God just reminded me to cry out to Him and watch him do things unimaginable. Once again, He led the night and gave me the strength I needed to plow through this time of discipling. At times my Spanish was hideous, and at times I knew the words were coming directly from Him. This was a learning experience for me - my first time discipling someone in Spanish ALONE, and also a time for me to put the verse I am learning into practice. I will continue to call out to Him tomorrow as I head to the restoration house for a study I am not completely ready for. But no worries, God is ready! :)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
What's on your mind?
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." Phillipians 4:8
As I've ventured to read the book of Phillipians 30 times in 30 days, each day I stumble upon this verse and it is continually fresh as if the first time I have read it.
The apostle Paul commands us to think on the following things (I put them in red b/c I believe them to be the heart of Jesus):
My time in these passages have brought conviction and repentance as God has shown me my faulty thinking; even inadvertent faulty thinking.
I let my problems consume my mind and the possible outcomes. I let my mind dictate my feelings and oftentimes my responses. Can anyone relate? Instead of turning to God's truth and thinking on excellent things, the complete opposite of all that is good, at times, can be the dominating force in my mind.
But one day this week as I was struggling with an issue in my life, at midnight, when I couldn't sleep, God brought this verse of help to me. And instead of running through all the possible scenarios (lies) in my head, I started dwelling on all that is good and right and the beautiful parts of this life and God's creation. And the anxiety that had filled me and kept me from sleeping, was quickly filled with peace and my heart leapt with praise for the continuous goodness of God.
However, if we are not in God's word DAILY how can our thoughts be on that what is excellent. How can our responses be praiseworthy? Because the world offers only that which is absolutely contrary to the things of God, it is vital that we sink our teeth into the Bible so that when the challenges come, we are able to refer to the truth that God has hidden in our hearts. Have you ever tried to think of Godly things when you haven't been in the word for a month. It's like trying to run 3 miles without ever exercising or training. It is impossible, laboring and the results usually aren't pretty. Daily time is necessary to be able to fulfill Paul's command to think on these things.
Now I could of continued to stay up all night fretting and worrying and being led by the lies that my mind so easily follows. But God's word ALWAYS prevails. Can I say that again? God's word and truth ALWAYS prevails.
Paul writes these words as an encouragement and a commandment, because I'm sure he knew the struggles of the mind. The mind is a powerful enemy, but we serve a victorious Lord whom the enemy holds not one ounce of strength against. And so much of the problems women struggle with start in the strongholds of the mind. What are you believing?
Are your thoughts true, right, wholesome, praiseworthy, excellent - do they line up with the truth of who God is and what His word says? Heavens, I am far from this in my own life. But we can start TODAY to set our minds on a worthy path...a path that will lead us to streams of living water.
I challenge you to check your thoughts this week. What are you thinking? How is it affecting your heart and your actions. Memorize this scripture with me and allow God to solidify it into our hearts. And ask Him to show YOU what these beautiful things are in your life so that you can dwell on them; so that we can dwell on them together and be the women, wives and mothers God has called us to be! Women who are praiseworthy!!!! (Proverbs 31:30-31)
As I've ventured to read the book of Phillipians 30 times in 30 days, each day I stumble upon this verse and it is continually fresh as if the first time I have read it.
The apostle Paul commands us to think on the following things (I put them in red b/c I believe them to be the heart of Jesus):
My time in these passages have brought conviction and repentance as God has shown me my faulty thinking; even inadvertent faulty thinking.
I let my problems consume my mind and the possible outcomes. I let my mind dictate my feelings and oftentimes my responses. Can anyone relate? Instead of turning to God's truth and thinking on excellent things, the complete opposite of all that is good, at times, can be the dominating force in my mind.
But one day this week as I was struggling with an issue in my life, at midnight, when I couldn't sleep, God brought this verse of help to me. And instead of running through all the possible scenarios (lies) in my head, I started dwelling on all that is good and right and the beautiful parts of this life and God's creation. And the anxiety that had filled me and kept me from sleeping, was quickly filled with peace and my heart leapt with praise for the continuous goodness of God.
However, if we are not in God's word DAILY how can our thoughts be on that what is excellent. How can our responses be praiseworthy? Because the world offers only that which is absolutely contrary to the things of God, it is vital that we sink our teeth into the Bible so that when the challenges come, we are able to refer to the truth that God has hidden in our hearts. Have you ever tried to think of Godly things when you haven't been in the word for a month. It's like trying to run 3 miles without ever exercising or training. It is impossible, laboring and the results usually aren't pretty. Daily time is necessary to be able to fulfill Paul's command to think on these things.
Now I could of continued to stay up all night fretting and worrying and being led by the lies that my mind so easily follows. But God's word ALWAYS prevails. Can I say that again? God's word and truth ALWAYS prevails.
Paul writes these words as an encouragement and a commandment, because I'm sure he knew the struggles of the mind. The mind is a powerful enemy, but we serve a victorious Lord whom the enemy holds not one ounce of strength against. And so much of the problems women struggle with start in the strongholds of the mind. What are you believing?
Are your thoughts true, right, wholesome, praiseworthy, excellent - do they line up with the truth of who God is and what His word says? Heavens, I am far from this in my own life. But we can start TODAY to set our minds on a worthy path...a path that will lead us to streams of living water.
I challenge you to check your thoughts this week. What are you thinking? How is it affecting your heart and your actions. Memorize this scripture with me and allow God to solidify it into our hearts. And ask Him to show YOU what these beautiful things are in your life so that you can dwell on them; so that we can dwell on them together and be the women, wives and mothers God has called us to be! Women who are praiseworthy!!!! (Proverbs 31:30-31)
Okay - so you can FINALLY add us to google reader. I deleted the stuff of our blog that I thought was "sensitive" and easily trackable. So now, we are open to the world again. Please feel free to post a link to your blog and share us with your friends and family.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Things to look forward to
The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the car horns are still honking loudly. At least 2 out of the 3 are pleasant.
John is being adventurous today and took our eldest with him to hike a mountain that carries a cross at the top of it. The last few times John has done activities that require physical endurance, he hasn't felt so good (Kathryn, remember St. Thomas???). I'm praying he climbs up and down with equal force and feels great at the bottom. Notice that I'm not concerned about Parker at all. He'd climb 3 mountains if he had the opportunity. Pictures to come.
Crazy week! Glad it's over!
Some things we have to look forward to in the next few months:
Jenn visiting - my running partner and good friend from St. Cloud
Deidre visiting - my friend from college. We once liked the same guy and weren't friends for 2 years and then once we got to know each other and I dumped that guy (or maybe he dumped me) we instantly bonded.
My cousin is getting married in June!
A mission trip in July where we get to "try" to interpret.
Packing up for Lima in August :)
And we found out that we get to pick our own place to live in Lima. WOOOHOOOO!!!
This week at the restoration houses I found out some of the girls are mad at me b/c I pulled the other girl aside to share the gospel with her. "Why did the Gringa pull you aside and she's never once pulled us aside?" they said. UGH!! Satan is such a schemer, isn't he?
John is being adventurous today and took our eldest with him to hike a mountain that carries a cross at the top of it. The last few times John has done activities that require physical endurance, he hasn't felt so good (Kathryn, remember St. Thomas???). I'm praying he climbs up and down with equal force and feels great at the bottom. Notice that I'm not concerned about Parker at all. He'd climb 3 mountains if he had the opportunity. Pictures to come.
Crazy week! Glad it's over!
Some things we have to look forward to in the next few months:
Jenn visiting - my running partner and good friend from St. Cloud
Deidre visiting - my friend from college. We once liked the same guy and weren't friends for 2 years and then once we got to know each other and I dumped that guy (or maybe he dumped me) we instantly bonded.
My cousin is getting married in June!
A mission trip in July where we get to "try" to interpret.
Packing up for Lima in August :)
And we found out that we get to pick our own place to live in Lima. WOOOHOOOO!!!
This week at the restoration houses I found out some of the girls are mad at me b/c I pulled the other girl aside to share the gospel with her. "Why did the Gringa pull you aside and she's never once pulled us aside?" they said. UGH!! Satan is such a schemer, isn't he?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Caffeinated Thoughts
Pizza with tomatoes on top and a dash of lemon is amazing.
Taxi drivers whose brakes don't work - not cool!
Mornings when we get out of the door without any major meltdowns are heavenly!
A hug from a friend can really make you feel special.
And an unexpected "I love you" from a friend is like honey to the lips. I'm trying to tell my friends this every time I see them.
The more Spanish I learn, the worse my English gets. And dun't mintion my spiling cuz its awfulll nou.
How different would my life be I lived each moment like I was dying in the next? Radically, I suppose.
The only opinion I should live for is that of God, but at times it seems like I live the exact opposite of that.
I love to rest my head after a terrible day, knowing that tomorrow I am going to wake up and feel refreshed and God's mercy and grace will wash over me as if the bad day never happened.
What a pleasure it is to sneak into each child's room after they have gone to sleep and kiss them and cherish their baby faces and the moments of quiet peace.
Although I shouldn't drink it, what beats an icey-cold Diet Coke in a can? Nothing, I say! Nothing.
A kiss from a runny nose child is priceless.
Sweating from a hard workout is invigorating.
McDonald's french fries are golden goodness. Which is why I have to exercise.
Blog comments bring a smile to the lips.
Good tests grades only bring joy for about 5 minutes, but bad test grades bring grief for a few hours. And then in a few days it doesn't matter any more, anyway.
My love language is gifts and this means I love gifts (and money, too). Money is a gift, right?
Crest whitening strips really don't work that well. Don't waste your money.
Don't watch movies about romance because it's all fake anyway and will just make you disappointed when your husband doesn't live up to that hollywood, fantasy hunk who is only a piece of fiction written from a lonely woman's mind.
After having 4 children, when we only have 3 it seems like a peace of cake. A yummy piece of cake.
How romantic when the electricity goes out and the sun is just about to set and the natural light casts shadows on the walls.
A lit match is the best remedy for a stinky bathroom. I love that smell! The lit match I mean - not the stinky bathroom.
Glow by J. Lo sounds like the silliest perfume, but it smells delicious. And I'm proud to say I own it - by accident, of course.
Plastic surgery is 1/3 the cost in Costa Rica that it is in America. So a tummy tuck is like 1,700. Anyone want to come and visit me for a medical vacation? ;) It's a joke peeps! a
When one has rambled enough it's time to save the blog and actually post it. If my life was actually interesting there might be something more than random thoughts.
Taxi drivers whose brakes don't work - not cool!
Mornings when we get out of the door without any major meltdowns are heavenly!
A hug from a friend can really make you feel special.
And an unexpected "I love you" from a friend is like honey to the lips. I'm trying to tell my friends this every time I see them.
The more Spanish I learn, the worse my English gets. And dun't mintion my spiling cuz its awfulll nou.
How different would my life be I lived each moment like I was dying in the next? Radically, I suppose.
The only opinion I should live for is that of God, but at times it seems like I live the exact opposite of that.
I love to rest my head after a terrible day, knowing that tomorrow I am going to wake up and feel refreshed and God's mercy and grace will wash over me as if the bad day never happened.
What a pleasure it is to sneak into each child's room after they have gone to sleep and kiss them and cherish their baby faces and the moments of quiet peace.
Although I shouldn't drink it, what beats an icey-cold Diet Coke in a can? Nothing, I say! Nothing.
A kiss from a runny nose child is priceless.
Sweating from a hard workout is invigorating.
McDonald's french fries are golden goodness. Which is why I have to exercise.
Blog comments bring a smile to the lips.
Good tests grades only bring joy for about 5 minutes, but bad test grades bring grief for a few hours. And then in a few days it doesn't matter any more, anyway.
My love language is gifts and this means I love gifts (and money, too). Money is a gift, right?
Crest whitening strips really don't work that well. Don't waste your money.
Don't watch movies about romance because it's all fake anyway and will just make you disappointed when your husband doesn't live up to that hollywood, fantasy hunk who is only a piece of fiction written from a lonely woman's mind.
After having 4 children, when we only have 3 it seems like a peace of cake. A yummy piece of cake.
How romantic when the electricity goes out and the sun is just about to set and the natural light casts shadows on the walls.
A lit match is the best remedy for a stinky bathroom. I love that smell! The lit match I mean - not the stinky bathroom.
Glow by J. Lo sounds like the silliest perfume, but it smells delicious. And I'm proud to say I own it - by accident, of course.
Plastic surgery is 1/3 the cost in Costa Rica that it is in America. So a tummy tuck is like 1,700. Anyone want to come and visit me for a medical vacation? ;) It's a joke peeps! a
When one has rambled enough it's time to save the blog and actually post it. If my life was actually interesting there might be something more than random thoughts.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Going on a Mission's Trip
We are real-life missionaries going on a mission's trip. In July, a team will be coming from Virginia to an area in Costa Rica about 3 hours from here. They will be here for 9 days and have offered to cover our expenses for this trip. I belive there are 2 or 3 other language students (IMB) going as well. Neither John nor I feel like we can miss school or leave the kids for 9 days, so we are splitting the trip in half (hopefully). If not, then just I will be going for 5 days. Anyway, we will be working with the team doing VBS activities and ministry with children and we will be the translators from English to Spanish. Can you believe it? I'M NOT KIDDING! US translating - who would've thought. Thank God it will be simple messages for children. :) The trip will be in July - right around our one year anniversary here. We are both super excited about this opportunity; to get to know the team coming here; to translate; to share God's word; to plant seeds; and of course, lots of Spanish practice.
30 Day Challenge
I was challenged this weekend to read Phillipians for 30 days in a row. Yes, the entire book each day. Today was my first day and I read it out loud for special effect. I don't think I have read it all in one sitting before. Very powerful stuff! Changed my perspective all day and I am looking forward to the next 29 days. SOOOOO.....will you join me? I am challenging you to spend the next 30 days with me. Are you up for it? You'll be blessed and we can share stories of what God has taught us.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Restoration House
Great news! It's a super long story, but we have had a subsitute language teacher and she pretty much beat us down today and told us how much better her class is than ours and how we are at a lower level. Nice huh! That's not the good news. Anyway, I felt very deflated after this and then had to head on out to lead a Bible study in a foreign tongue that I stink at apparently. Anyway, I left my hand-written Bible study (in Spanish) in the house. So when I got there I realize all I had was myself and my Bible. My national friend said, "How are you going to teach the study? And I said, with God's help!" Anyway, I went on to teach the story of the woman who annointed Jesus' feet with oil! The entire study was PRECIOUS! God gave me the words to say and to teach and I did much more teaching b/c I had fewer questions for them. So the problem of not understanding them was pretty much solved. They did ask some questions, which I understood, and we had to read the verses 3-4 times so that they would understand them. They didn't even know what a Pharisee is and they had never heard this story before. So see....there are people in the world who definitely don't know God's word.
Anyway, to cut the story short and get to the point, I was able to lead a 22 year old to the feet of Jesus today. She prayed to receive Christ as the Lord and Savior of her life and she was very eager to become a Christian. Her name is Gabbie and she needs A LOT of prayer has she is trying to overcome her addictions. She has only been in the house 3 days and she ran away yesterday and came back today, so she is in a very vulnerable place. She has two small children (5 and 2) and her boyfriend is in the restoration house for men and he is not the father of her babies. Please pray that her seed will fall on fertile soil.
I wanted to quit before the study today. I seriously just didn't want to go to the house of restoration anymore. And God said, "You want to quit? You want to walk away from this ministery I have called you to because it's not easy and comfortable. You can't quit. This is your calling. This is your life! This isn't just a "hobby" that you do when you feel like it." WOW!!!!! I was soooo convicted and I went out and got on my face and just asked the Lord to change my attitude, to change me and to just have his way!!!! AND HE DID!!! All praise to HIM!!!!
Please pray for Gabbie! I will see her next week. When she prayed to received Christ it was truly beautiful. She said she had never prayed out loud before, but she could've fooled me. She gave Him her heart!
So.......I'm just going to ignore those comments from that language teacher. I might be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay below where she thinks I should be, but God is delighted to use my language to teach His word and lead people to His feet!!!!!!
Anyway, to cut the story short and get to the point, I was able to lead a 22 year old to the feet of Jesus today. She prayed to receive Christ as the Lord and Savior of her life and she was very eager to become a Christian. Her name is Gabbie and she needs A LOT of prayer has she is trying to overcome her addictions. She has only been in the house 3 days and she ran away yesterday and came back today, so she is in a very vulnerable place. She has two small children (5 and 2) and her boyfriend is in the restoration house for men and he is not the father of her babies. Please pray that her seed will fall on fertile soil.
I wanted to quit before the study today. I seriously just didn't want to go to the house of restoration anymore. And God said, "You want to quit? You want to walk away from this ministery I have called you to because it's not easy and comfortable. You can't quit. This is your calling. This is your life! This isn't just a "hobby" that you do when you feel like it." WOW!!!!! I was soooo convicted and I went out and got on my face and just asked the Lord to change my attitude, to change me and to just have his way!!!! AND HE DID!!! All praise to HIM!!!!
Please pray for Gabbie! I will see her next week. When she prayed to received Christ it was truly beautiful. She said she had never prayed out loud before, but she could've fooled me. She gave Him her heart!
So.......I'm just going to ignore those comments from that language teacher. I might be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay below where she thinks I should be, but God is delighted to use my language to teach His word and lead people to His feet!!!!!!
The Church of Oprah
This video was sent to us and really opened our eyes to what we already believed to be true - but here is the actual proof. If you needed a reason to stop watching Oprah, here it is! Please forward this link to as many people as possible so that they can know the truth of what she believes and what she is spreading in this world!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
John and I have our Language Evaluations with the IMB next week - me on Tuesdday and John on Thursday. Please pray we will accuratley represent what we have learned and that nerves won't get the better of us. It is difficult to speak when you know every word you are saying is for a final "grade" or evaluation.
John preached today - he did WONDERFUL! He was soooo funny and very deep as well! Did I mention he looked gorgeous up there? He truly did. I was so proud to be the chapel speaker's wife. At least 10 people came up to ME to tell me how great he did. I'm so proud!!!!!
I am in a homesick funk! I am dreaming about home, thinking about home and missing it terribly. Although I'm not crying about it, my heart is down and longs to have some parts of my old life back. I thought I was past this, but I'm sure it's going to creep up time and time again, but maybe a little less strong each time. I miss my family, my church, my friends (Deidre,Steff, Kitty, Kathryn, Heidi, Zoey, Heather, Jenn, Helen, etc...), running club, my van and as always Target! I noticed that I tend to blog more when I am missing home. :)
John preached today - he did WONDERFUL! He was soooo funny and very deep as well! Did I mention he looked gorgeous up there? He truly did. I was so proud to be the chapel speaker's wife. At least 10 people came up to ME to tell me how great he did. I'm so proud!!!!!
I am in a homesick funk! I am dreaming about home, thinking about home and missing it terribly. Although I'm not crying about it, my heart is down and longs to have some parts of my old life back. I thought I was past this, but I'm sure it's going to creep up time and time again, but maybe a little less strong each time. I miss my family, my church, my friends (Deidre,Steff, Kitty, Kathryn, Heidi, Zoey, Heather, Jenn, Helen, etc...), running club, my van and as always Target! I noticed that I tend to blog more when I am missing home. :)
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