Thursday, April 10, 2008

Caffeinated Thoughts

Pizza with tomatoes on top and a dash of lemon is amazing.

Taxi drivers whose brakes don't work - not cool!

Mornings when we get out of the door without any major meltdowns are heavenly!

A hug from a friend can really make you feel special.

And an unexpected "I love you" from a friend is like honey to the lips. I'm trying to tell my friends this every time I see them.

The more Spanish I learn, the worse my English gets. And dun't mintion my spiling cuz its awfulll nou.

How different would my life be I lived each moment like I was dying in the next? Radically, I suppose.

The only opinion I should live for is that of God, but at times it seems like I live the exact opposite of that.

I love to rest my head after a terrible day, knowing that tomorrow I am going to wake up and feel refreshed and God's mercy and grace will wash over me as if the bad day never happened.

What a pleasure it is to sneak into each child's room after they have gone to sleep and kiss them and cherish their baby faces and the moments of quiet peace.

Although I shouldn't drink it, what beats an icey-cold Diet Coke in a can? Nothing, I say! Nothing.

A kiss from a runny nose child is priceless.

Sweating from a hard workout is invigorating.

McDonald's french fries are golden goodness. Which is why I have to exercise.

Blog comments bring a smile to the lips.

Good tests grades only bring joy for about 5 minutes, but bad test grades bring grief for a few hours. And then in a few days it doesn't matter any more, anyway.

My love language is gifts and this means I love gifts (and money, too). Money is a gift, right?

Crest whitening strips really don't work that well. Don't waste your money.

Don't watch movies about romance because it's all fake anyway and will just make you disappointed when your husband doesn't live up to that hollywood, fantasy hunk who is only a piece of fiction written from a lonely woman's mind.

After having 4 children, when we only have 3 it seems like a peace of cake. A yummy piece of cake.

How romantic when the electricity goes out and the sun is just about to set and the natural light casts shadows on the walls.

A lit match is the best remedy for a stinky bathroom. I love that smell! The lit match I mean - not the stinky bathroom.

Glow by J. Lo sounds like the silliest perfume, but it smells delicious. And I'm proud to say I own it - by accident, of course.

Plastic surgery is 1/3 the cost in Costa Rica that it is in America. So a tummy tuck is like 1,700. Anyone want to come and visit me for a medical vacation? ;) It's a joke peeps! a

When one has rambled enough it's time to save the blog and actually post it. If my life was actually interesting there might be something more than random thoughts.


The McClain's said...

the funniest part aboutthis whole blog is by far the matches comment- I am just amazed that people other than my family knew this- I thought we were the only ones!!

But you are dead-on right about the Diet Coke!!!

You looked very cute today by the way!!

I saw you but didn't get to talk with you!

Brooke :)

PS: I love you :)

Mountain Momma said...

I absolutely love your blog tonight!!! It is exactly how I feel...It is midnight and I have been just laying awake coughing for a long time now so I figured whats the point of trying to get any sleep so here I am... I have clicked on my blog a few times and just can't think of a thing to say...just random thoughts!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!Big Hugs from the Great Smoky Mountains!! I love you guys!!

Amy said...

This is too funny! How you managed to put all of this down in words is besides me.....but, very cool. You should do about 1000 of these observations and make a book and sell it. I bet folks would buy it like hotcakes! Trust me, if I bought a book called "The Dump Book" that describes the different types of et hem...dumps...that occur in the water closet, someone would definitely buy this!

Love you!

ptamom3 said...

Thanks for the thoughts. They are all right on. Thanks for the tip on the Crest Whitestrips, I've been contemplating buying them but just couldn't give up the money (by the way yes money is a gift- a nice one! :) Anyway I appreciate all your thoughts- I'm glad you all are well and I often think of you all so far away. I know God has big plans for you in Peru!

John and Jenny said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!! :) Cute blog! Love, Jenny

paula said...

youre adorable jessica...i love you!

paula said...

you're adorable! i have some of the same thoughts. i love you!

Justgottalaugh said...

Here's a hug from a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jonatha said...

I love those rambling thoughts! It was almost like reading one of those fun little quote books! :)

Michael and Kristi Rains said...

My mouth is watering for Otero's Brasilena pizza! It was/is our favorite pizza ever. Do you think you can manage to bring one to Lima in August? I'll make sure I'm there to get it:).

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