Sunday, April 13, 2008

What's on your mind?

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." Phillipians 4:8

As I've ventured to read the book of Phillipians 30 times in 30 days, each day I stumble upon this verse and it is continually fresh as if the first time I have read it.

The apostle Paul commands us to think on the following things (I put them in red b/c I believe them to be the heart of Jesus):


My time in these passages have brought conviction and repentance as God has shown me my faulty thinking; even inadvertent faulty thinking.

I let my problems consume my mind and the possible outcomes. I let my mind dictate my feelings and oftentimes my responses. Can anyone relate? Instead of turning to God's truth and thinking on excellent things, the complete opposite of all that is good, at times, can be the dominating force in my mind.

But one day this week as I was struggling with an issue in my life, at midnight, when I couldn't sleep, God brought this verse of help to me. And instead of running through all the possible scenarios (lies) in my head, I started dwelling on all that is good and right and the beautiful parts of this life and God's creation. And the anxiety that had filled me and kept me from sleeping, was quickly filled with peace and my heart leapt with praise for the continuous goodness of God.

However, if we are not in God's word DAILY how can our thoughts be on that what is excellent. How can our responses be praiseworthy? Because the world offers only that which is absolutely contrary to the things of God, it is vital that we sink our teeth into the Bible so that when the challenges come, we are able to refer to the truth that God has hidden in our hearts. Have you ever tried to think of Godly things when you haven't been in the word for a month. It's like trying to run 3 miles without ever exercising or training. It is impossible, laboring and the results usually aren't pretty. Daily time is necessary to be able to fulfill Paul's command to think on these things.

Now I could of continued to stay up all night fretting and worrying and being led by the lies that my mind so easily follows. But God's word ALWAYS prevails. Can I say that again? God's word and truth ALWAYS prevails.

Paul writes these words as an encouragement and a commandment, because I'm sure he knew the struggles of the mind. The mind is a powerful enemy, but we serve a victorious Lord whom the enemy holds not one ounce of strength against. And so much of the problems women struggle with start in the strongholds of the mind. What are you believing?

Are your thoughts true, right, wholesome, praiseworthy, excellent - do they line up with the truth of who God is and what His word says? Heavens, I am far from this in my own life. But we can start TODAY to set our minds on a worthy path...a path that will lead us to streams of living water.

I challenge you to check your thoughts this week. What are you thinking? How is it affecting your heart and your actions. Memorize this scripture with me and allow God to solidify it into our hearts. And ask Him to show YOU what these beautiful things are in your life so that you can dwell on them; so that we can dwell on them together and be the women, wives and mothers God has called us to be! Women who are praiseworthy!!!! (Proverbs 31:30-31)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, this is the Father's heart and it has been difficult for me to do in the past couple of weeks. The Lord has been bring this scripture up to me for a while. Thank you.

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