Thursday, April 3, 2008

Restoration House

Great news! It's a super long story, but we have had a subsitute language teacher and she pretty much beat us down today and told us how much better her class is than ours and how we are at a lower level. Nice huh! That's not the good news. Anyway, I felt very deflated after this and then had to head on out to lead a Bible study in a foreign tongue that I stink at apparently. Anyway, I left my hand-written Bible study (in Spanish) in the house. So when I got there I realize all I had was myself and my Bible. My national friend said, "How are you going to teach the study? And I said, with God's help!" Anyway, I went on to teach the story of the woman who annointed Jesus' feet with oil! The entire study was PRECIOUS! God gave me the words to say and to teach and I did much more teaching b/c I had fewer questions for them. So the problem of not understanding them was pretty much solved. They did ask some questions, which I understood, and we had to read the verses 3-4 times so that they would understand them. They didn't even know what a Pharisee is and they had never heard this story before. So see....there are people in the world who definitely don't know God's word.

Anyway, to cut the story short and get to the point, I was able to lead a 22 year old to the feet of Jesus today. She prayed to receive Christ as the Lord and Savior of her life and she was very eager to become a Christian. Her name is Gabbie and she needs A LOT of prayer has she is trying to overcome her addictions. She has only been in the house 3 days and she ran away yesterday and came back today, so she is in a very vulnerable place. She has two small children (5 and 2) and her boyfriend is in the restoration house for men and he is not the father of her babies. Please pray that her seed will fall on fertile soil.

I wanted to quit before the study today. I seriously just didn't want to go to the house of restoration anymore. And God said, "You want to quit? You want to walk away from this ministery I have called you to because it's not easy and comfortable. You can't quit. This is your calling. This is your life! This isn't just a "hobby" that you do when you feel like it." WOW!!!!! I was soooo convicted and I went out and got on my face and just asked the Lord to change my attitude, to change me and to just have his way!!!! AND HE DID!!! All praise to HIM!!!!

Please pray for Gabbie! I will see her next week. When she prayed to received Christ it was truly beautiful. She said she had never prayed out loud before, but she could've fooled me. She gave Him her heart!

So.......I'm just going to ignore those comments from that language teacher. I might be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay below where she thinks I should be, but God is delighted to use my language to teach His word and lead people to His feet!!!!!!


the Phamily said...

praise God! he is the author of languages, and when he wants to reach someone, he will do it inspite of language barriers! way to go, trusting Him and allowing him to use you even though you had been discouraged by you teacher!
Blessings, in HIM,
Becky Pham

kathryn evans said...

I am so proud of you and what GOD is doing in and through you!!!! He is amazing!!!

Jonatha said...

You crack me up! All of those places are in Florida, it is near Winter Haven. We didn't get the other house, but we are looking around Champions Gate/ Reunion area - which is where we've lived the last few years.

You guys are doing great - and best of all - you can see God's hand in it all!

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