Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Church of Oprah

This video was sent to us and really opened our eyes to what we already believed to be true - but here is the actual proof. If you needed a reason to stop watching Oprah, here it is! Please forward this link to as many people as possible so that they can know the truth of what she believes and what she is spreading in this world!


Jonatha said...

I stopped watching her show years ago - it just seemed so opposite of our faith, but I had no idea how specifically it was! I am going to share this link - wow!

Anonymous said...

It is so sad that Oprah is so far from The Truth. Check out the link above, I think it is very well written. Oprah is very influential in so many lives, it's scary! But how awesome would it be for her to turn her life over to our Lord and Savior and influence her audience the? We need to be praying for Oprah, just like James Robinson is.

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