Sunday, April 20, 2008

Who will pray for our missionary kids?

Tonight we had an IMB going away party (pictures to come) and I took a picture of most of the missionary kids that are here with the IMB right now. Will you please pray for these little ones? They will spend a majority of their lives living in transition, in a culture that is not their own and away from their immediate family (except for mom and dad), but they will become the most unique people we will ever meet. And I am certain that God has amazing plans for them as they grow older and seek to serve Him. Spiritual warfare is very real for missionary kids and they desperately need your prayer support. Will you commit to praying for this group of very special and "called" little people? Your prayers will make all the difference in their lives.


Melissa said...

They are among my heroes! Yes, I pray everday for my MK's. They are incredible little people and you are right...they are called just as much as we are.

Hey, Jessica, please send this picture for my collection. It is darling.

Justgottalaugh said...

What a profound post. I will pray :)

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