Thursday, June 12, 2008

You better believe it!

Look out Peru because here we come!

The Visas have arrived and are processed. The plane tickets are purchased and at least one bag is packed. Okay, so it's full of stuff I never use; but it's packed nonetheless.

We are heading out in 9 weeks and 1 day - August 16th at 10ish a.m.

I seriously can't even believe I'm writing this. The end and the beginning are so close I can almost reach it.


Jonatha said...

That is awesome!

Keeping an Eye on Paraguay said...


You guys rock!

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday you guys left SC. Do you have a house picked out yet in Peru? If so, we want pictures.

Kerri said...

It feels like you have become friends just through blog posts and our prayers for your family over the past almost year. Peru and Brazil are far away, but we do hope to meet you sometime. It's been encouraging to see your journey and the ways God has used you over the past almost year. Counting down the days to Peru with you,
the Hamiltons

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