He is 21 pounds. YIKES!
He turned 9 months yesterday.
Little Miles, who is not so little anymore, has 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth for a total of 6. Wowzers! He has received 4 teeth in the last three weeks alone.
He's a great sleeper. Each night he averages about 12 hours straight and takes 2-3 daytime naps anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours each. The only negative is that when he ready to get up he cries until we come to get him.
He crawls everywhere, pulls up on everything and is trying to stand on his own without holding onto anything. We are in trouble!!!
Our house has a ledge from one floor to the next in the living room. He fell off of it once and now he crawls back and forth right at the edge of it because he knows it is dangerous. So smart.
He has said "ma ma" a few times, but now his favorite word is "da da da da da!"
And today he is clapping. He is so proud of himself.
He's just trying to keep up with the rest of the Pham crew huh? He is so sweet....my Elisabeth slept like that...loved it!
Can't wait to squeeze that little guy!!!!
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