Jaxson's kindergarten graduation is on Friday afternoon. He had a super successful 4 months in school and really matured quite a bit.
The other kids will be wrapping up school and will be done next Wednesday. They will be homeschooled again, with curriculum for the school, at least until February 22nd of next year. We willd decide at that time what we think is best for our family. If I had to decide RIGHT NOW, I would allow them to go back because the school is so wonderful and it was a positive experience for ALL of us in every, single way. But for the next 8 months we are a homeschooling family again. Please pray for me as I start this endeavor again.
In case you missed it, Miles' two top teeth are coming in. Now he will have 4 top teeth and 0 bottom teeth. Is that not hillarious?
The mission team came over and spent the afternoon with us yesterday after the morning service. They stayed for about 7 hours and it was wonderful. We had a time of worship together and I can't tell you how special it was to worship the Lord in English. This is one of our favorite teams and we adore them. We all love them so much!
Hey Jess-I had been meaning to tell you I know there are a lot of missionaries in Peru but we supported a friend of ours from Lizella Baptist(in Georgia) to go to Lima for a mission trip. I figured the chances were slim to none that yall would meet up but had to mention it just in case. love ya-miss ya!
So thankful the root canal is almost over.....it seemed a long experience for Lottie here as well.
Praying for you and the fact that you are homeschooling again....I know you love teaching your children and it will be even better teaching them in Florida in "AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" LOL Just a thought:)
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