Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sword Drill Champion

Congratulations to my oldest, Parker, for winning the Sword Drill contest at his school and now he is the reigning Sword Drill Champion of his elementary school. The word "sword" stand for the Bible since it is to be our sword of faith. The drill is really quite simple and can be done in several different forms.  To be sword drill champion, you have to go through several drills of finding a passage in the Bible when it is called out. Parker is so fast that I don't even think I could beat him. We are so proud of Him for loving God's word and knowing all the books of the Bible so well. Now you can say you are friends with a Sword Drill Champ!

Other news:

We met with our boss last night and were told that we have many different options for our next term. Please keep praying as to where God will send us and what position we will be working in.

I weighed Miles and with his clothes off he is 19.6 lbs. WOwsers. THat's a big guy for an 8 month old.

Avery had the 2nd part of her root canal yesterday, but then last night she was up with pain and a fever again.

Did I mention Jaxson is graduation from Kindergarten on Friday? He memorized the entire Psalm 23 in the King James version. It is so sweet. I hope I can video him doing it and put it on the blog. Jaxson's last day of school is Friday.

Parker and Ally will finish next Wednesday. I am looking forward to having them home all the time, but just not so excited about the "educating" them part.

The mission team has seen almost 1,000 patients. They are doing so much to help out the Peruvians physically  and spiritually. The team is so sweet and they all give me huge hugs everytime they see me and they make me feel so special. I am going to cry my eyes out when they leave. This is the 2nd time that this team has come and we are so in love with them. I would join their church in a heartbeat, just based on the kindness of the people. :)

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The Byrd's Nest said...

Praying praying praying for the job situation.....I know change is on the horizon for many.

You must be so proud of all of your children are a wonderful mom:)

I will show Luisa all of the new pictures on Friday. She will love it!

Jonatha said...

And that's why we joined our church =) We love the people!

Congrats to Parker - that's awesome! Poor Avery - what is causing it, do you think?

Maybe you should take a 6 month school vacation!

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