Friday, June 11, 2010

My day today

Not proof read!!!

I've had better days AND I've had worse. Last night Avery was up for several hours with really bad tooth pain. She has had a bad infection in her bone for the past week and antibiotics have not helped it. So my morning started off with waking up too late, John heading out the door really early (I will hardly see him for the next 7 days) because we have a medical mission team here. On the way to school, the baby vomitted all over himself and then tried to pick it up and eat it. It smelled horrible! I forgot how much I dislike vomit. Anyhoo, I was able to get to school while almost running out of gas. Upon arrival, I cleaned up little bit and then I made it back home to a very disasterous house, only to find out that the empleada couldn't come until much later. Normally I don't let it get bad unless I know she is coming. I finally got an appointment for Avery and we sepent 2 hours at the dentist while she was getting a root canal. She had a lot of blood and puss and it almost made me sick. There was an equal amount of crying as well. It truly made me sad. Then I came and found out that Parker had lost his allowance and Ally lost her glasses. Did I mention my pet peeve is "lost" stuff. And then the empleada had "cleaned" the house, but honestly she did a terrible job today. I don't know what was up with that. I kept having to go around and tell her things she missed. And to top it all off, I had to change our vacation dates because my friend changed her wedding date and accidentally forgot to tell me. After an hour on the phone with Expedia, it cost me $160 extra dollars to move the dates earlier up in August. So nothing major bad happened today, but it just seemed like small little fires all today. There was no reason in sharing all this except to give you something to read.

It does always seem that things get chaotic whenever there is a mission team here.

If you get a chance, please pray for Avery's infection (she did have a fever from it today) and the medical mission team.

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1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

Wow...what a day....all in one day? Praying Jess....praying that when you get to the states....that all of you get to relax and that everyone you come in contact with loves on you with a perfect Love that only God can give....big hugs

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