Saturday, May 17, 2008

Books you can't live without!

I want to place an order of books on Amazon of "Must" have books for life in Peru. Please send me a list of 3-5 books that you CANNOT live without - that have changed your life and that you are constantly referring too.

They can be Bible studies, parenting, marriage, fitness/exercise or Christian self-help books. I don't care what time period they were written in (meaning I even like late 1800 books). So let me know what books were eye-opening and life-changing to you and that you think I MUST have. I'd like to order soon! Thanks for your help. I will take your suggestions VERY seriously and will let you know what I order.

Already on my list are:

Created to be His Help Meet!
The Abs Diet


Jonatha said...

"Help Meet" was my first suggestion.. :) I enjoy Lisa Whelchel's books - fun and encouraging. Francine Rivers is my absolute favorite Christian fiction author. Her books are always awesome. Other favorites: Frank Peretti, Karen Kingsbury, T. Davis Bunn, Terri Blackstock, and Beverly LaHaye (not in any specific order). That's all I can think of at the moment - I obviously read way too much....

Jonatha said...

By the way, I'm also reading a book by Ruth Beechik right now, and it is a huge blessing for our schooling. I just realized you didn't ask for fiction books, but if you get bored at least you'll have a few? Sorry! Also - we are renting for a while. Our *hope* is to eventually buy land and build a house.

The McClain's said...

Hey Jess,
Just so you know...I did try to comment the other day (I had not been able to read any blogs much on our trip- so it took me awile to get caught up...sorry about that!), but when I went to post it the interent went out and it didn't take...anyway...lo siento mucho!

MUST HAVE books from me:
I, too, love Karen Kingsbury books. They are quick reads and I love to get caught up in the lives of her characters. Two of the best books Matt and I read when God was really turning our hearts towards missions were The Barbarian Way by Erwin Raphael McManeus and The Gutter by Craig? (I can't remember the name of the author and we lent out our copy and have not gotten it back....). Also, one you might enjoy because of the type of ministering you are entering as far as planting house churches is Organic Church (I do not know the author). Many of our friends have read this and loved it- we do not have a copy yet and have not read it, but it comes highly recommended! The Hiding PLace by Corrie Ten Boom is so fantastic and powerful- but grab your kleenex! Dos mas- Let the nations be Glad and Don't Waste your life both by John Piper...

There are many more, but those are my first thoughts :)

Tenga un buen dia!

Brooke :)

ryanshelly said...

"The Holiness of God" - R.C. Sproul
"Institutes of the Christian Religion" - John Calvin
"The City of God" - St. Augustine
"The Weight of Glory" - C.S. Lewis
"A Body of Divinity" Thomas Watson

ptamom3 said...

KAREN Kingsbury is my favorite- I'm reading her "sunset series" right now and it's really good! All her books have been great.

Alison said...

The Little Boy Book--I don't know who the author is. The New Dare to Discipline by Dobson. The Purpose Driven Life. Voices of the Faithful by Beth Moore--it's about missionaries and is soooo inspirational! :) And the most read is my Women's Devotional Bible--I love it.

The Sage Family said...

Dangerous Journey is an illustrated story based off of John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress". If you're not familiar with Pilgrim's Progress or Bunyan, then Google it. The other books are not available through Amazon. Many are from the 1800's and are only available through the company that has republished them
the book we are reading now is The White Knights by W.E. Cule
it is about three boys in the White Knights Club who take on the challenge in their day-to-day lives, just like the knights of King Arthur's court, to prove their faith by their works—protecting “damsels in distress,” defending the weak, and honoring their God and King. This story challenges boys to live chivalrously—in their homes, neighborhoods, and communities.
It's hard to find biblical values in books that the kids can relate to. If you do check out their website, look at the Fireside Collection.

Heather said...

Parenting with Scripture don't remember the author. Lisa Whelchel's book Creative Correction

Amy Jo said...

My initial thoughts (although, I could post 1000 for you...I love books!)
* Passionate Housewives Desperate for God
* Pride & Prejudice (Jane Austin...anything by Jane Austin, but this is my favorite read!)
* I Come Quietly to Meet You -- Amy Carmichael devotional

Those are my initial thoughts. I'll send more if I think of them!

amy jo said...

Oh yes, and Raising Godly Tomatoes. I don't know if you can get this from Amazon (doubt it), but you can get it from My all time favorite child training book (yes, even about To Train Up a Child, but just barely. She uses same to similar principles, but communicates them differently and also covers many other topics)

Stephen Jones said...

I would recommend the following:

- One or two good study Bibles with lots of notes like Macarthur, Nelson, NIV, or ESV.
- Parenting with Scripture , by Kara Durbin
- Systematic Theology, by Wayne Grudem
- A Christian Growth & Discipleship Manual, Vol. 3, by Wayne Mack

These are all excellent reference books that you will find yourself going to again and again.

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