Wednesday, May 28, 2008

John's Dad Update/Wednesday

John's dad remains the same for the most part. However, he has a staph infection and 2 bacterial infections called graham positive and graham negative. The doctors are taking this very seriously and are treating all 3 very powerfully. Today they managed to get his sodium level under control - FINALLY! He was not recognizing anyone and John said it was just a blank stare all day. He did say a complete sentence, "I need to go to the bathroom." I think it was slow and deliberate, but it's good that his body his recognizing this need. He is hooked up to 3 IV's and has the feeding tube in his stomach. John sat by his bed ALL night last night with him. I think it was a very hard night emotionally for John. He really needs lots of prayers. He has never been through anything like this before.

I can't say thank you enough for all of the support, love, encouragement and prayers we have received.


Amy said...

Still praying. Thank you so much for keeping us updated.

Amy said...

Still praying. Thank you so much for keeping us updated.

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