The play-doh is officially out of Jaxson's ear! The doctor said it was in there for at least 1-2 weeks. OUCH!!!
I have wanted to take Jaxson to the ENT for a long time, but you know with 4 kids and lanuage school sometimes things that don't seem like a priority aren't important. So.....this play-doh thing was a blessing in disguise.
Well, because these HAVE to come out!
Without the play-doh, he wouldn't have seen the ENT and the ENT wouldn't have seen these monsters.
Jaxson has always had nose problems, but we didn't know they were stemming from THESE things and the big adenoids attached to them that are blocking his nasal passages. The ENT doctor said she usually tries medicines and treatments first, but one look at these bad boys and she said, "They HAVE to come out. I am taking them out. There is no need for tests. They HAVE to come out."
So, Jaxson's tonsils are coming out and he will be able to:
Sleep better
Behave better (because he's sleeping better)
Breathe Better
Eat better
Talk better
And grow better (oxygen supply helps growth)
His overall quality of life will be better without these golf-balls in his throat.
And in case you are wondering, no...it is not normal for tonsils to be THIS big.
He is having some blood work done and we go back next Wednesday to set the surgery.
In other news, his abnormal mole is perfectly normal and his genitalia problems are fine as well.
Just in case you didn't get enough from the first picture!
Those are the biggest tonsils I have ever seen!!! It's a shame you didn't have your camera to capture the look on the Doc's face!! Great Pic's by the way... Tell Ally two thumbs up on her trick. Of course we all had to try doing it!!!
Wow!!! Big tonsils!! I don't know how he breaths at all or swallows food...I never knew what they looked like but, now I know... Thanks for the pictures...
I love Ally's tongue... I can do this too... I have a wide tongue like my dad and he can do it... I think it is the genitic make up of your tongue that allows you to be able to do these tricks. She can probably roll the sides up like a taco too!
Wow!!! Big tonsils!! I don't know how he breaths at all or swallows food...I never knew what they looked like but, now I know... Thanks for the pictures...
I love Ally's tongue... I can do this too... I have a wide tongue like my dad and he can do it... I think it is the genitic make up of your tongue that allows you to be able to do these tricks. She can probably roll the sides up like a taco too!
I cannot do the "tounge thing", but I'm impressed!
And about Jaxon's tonsils....well, praise God the little booger has so much spunk, becuase those whoppers would have held anyone down. I bet they weigh 5 lbs each! Praise the Lord for play dough!
Cool pictures, too. Never thougth I would relish in looking at tonsils. Think I am going to check out Gatlin's tomorrow...
Love you.
Oh, and you know that I would definitely read a blog about welness, health, and of course running!
Wow! they look like our daughter taliah's. she had them removed when she was three. the dr in the hospital took one look and said 'we could play soccer with those things!'. She sleeps sooo much better and she grew several inches and put on weight, she is now slightly bigger than her older brother! So it is definately a good thing!
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