Monday, November 3, 2008

Mom and ministry

I was able to speak to my mom in the ICU last night and tonight. She was crying a lot and hard to understand. My aunt went to visit her today and said she is very ill, but yet fare at the same time. She seems to be improving, but is still in the ICU. They are talking about putting her in a hyperbarric chamber. I know nothing about that! It's still unclear exactly what is wrong with her, but obviously she is sick enough to need to be in ICU since Thursday. Please continue to pray for her. Talking to her helped me and her both. And my aunt and the pastor's wife from my church went to see her and this helped me as well.

Yesterday was an AMAZING day of ministry. Our first Bible study in Oasis had 6 adults and 40 children. The 2nd Bible Study had 15 adults and about 20 children. I have pictures and stories that I would like to share when I have more time. It is always such a blessing to be with the people God has called us to. There are still lots of strong-holds in these areas and it is hard to get people to consistently commit, but God is working and opening doors for us. We have a person of peace that is helping us as well as a national family in each place that is very interested in sharing the Gospel. A big problem that we have is that people lump us in with Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons and they think we are a cult.

We have a mission team coming this Friday and they will be working with us in OASIS for an entire week. I am going to try to go out everyday with the children and help share the Gospel, disciple, build relationships and whatever else God asks us to do.

I will be attending a women's Bible Study this Friday and I have an opportunity to teach it once a month. Please pray I will sense God's leading as to what I should teach and how the format will best suit them as well as my language abilities. This week will just be about getting to know them.

Even though life has brought its fare share of challenges, we are continually honored to be here. We truly love these people and are grateful for the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ.


Missionaries in La Ceiba, Honduras said...

Praying for your mom! My mother was in ICU for 3 months so I know what you are going through!

Keeping an Eye on Paraguay said...

Hey there...

Just on for a minute, but had to read your blog to get caught up on your lives! I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I can only imagine how hard that must be for you, especially after this past month. I pray that God would give you all great steadfastness. That even through this very hard time, that God would continue to show you insights into the future ministry that you will be having so that you will be encouraged.

We love you guys very much!

peace! and i pray that God will give you peace!

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